Donate Now

Thank you for your support. If you like what you see and would like to help us bring more awareness of unconditional love to the planet, you can make a tax deductible contribution (USA). Like any nonprofit organization, we greatly appreciate your financial and other types of support. As an all volunteer organization, your donations directly fund our programs and operational costs and we welcome your gifts be they monetary or otherwise.



Donate Now - using secure online donations through PayPal please click the button below. Consider being a patron with regularly scheduled monthly donations available through PayPal.



Mail a Check

You can send your check made payable to The Love Foundation Inc., to the following address:
The Love Foundation Inc.
P.O. Box 691911
Orlando, FL 32869-1911



FaceBook Fundraiser

Hosting a FaceBook Fundraiser is a great way to raise funds on our behalf. Simply go to our FaceBook page and look for Fundraisers and a "Create" button. FaceBook will also prompt you to use your birthday celebration to fund raise for an organization.



PayPal Giving Fund

PayPal Giving Fund for The Love Foundadtion

The Love Foundation is registered with PayPal Giving Fund as a certified nonprofit charity. Go to their site to donate.





Are you selling on eBay? You can now donate a percentage of the sale of items to The Love Foundation. Check it out here.


Giving Tuesday

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving is recognized as #GivingTuesday in an effort to recognize and give back to nonprofits and community organizations.





Secure Paypal Donation


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