Special Messages

Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.

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A Life of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted December 31, 2024

Precious Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted February 15, 2023

Lovingly Free in 2023 by Harold W. Becker - Posted January 1, 2023

Being You in 2022 by Harold W. Becker - Posted January 2, 2022


A Life of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted December 31, 2024

Harold W. Becker 2024-12-12From the moment of our first breath, our epic human adventure of life and love on this planet begins. Coming into this physical reality with the gifts of imagination and willpower, wonder and pure potential, our journey to expand the very nature of consciousness itself gets underway. Endowed with the spark of love from our heart, along with our innate desire to create, our presence in this earthly realm starts to unfold.

Birthed into a family that is far greater and larger than we can initially perceive, we commence upon our voyage with curiosity and innocence. We grow, develop and become more as we explore, experience and take in the vast, diverse energies within and around us. In the early years, we initially absorb the mental and emotional vibrations from our surroundings along with direct physical and sensory experiences as we interact with the manifest world. From this initial foundation, our actions and reactions, interpretations, and integrations of life stimulate us to formulate our own understandings and personal responses.

Through it all, we have one common and profound opportunity to be uniquely ourselves and that is by engaging the power of our own choice. Each of us is born with a distinctive ability to create, grow, and explore the limitless possibilities that life has to offer. It is up to us whether we continue to perpetuate our generational approach to life or step out and decide what is best for us. When we make these choices with love, our personal choice is always naturally aligned with the greater good of humanity.

Our paths are paved by our intentions and when we come from our heart, we bring forth our highest possibilities for a joyful life. We are first and foremost kind and gentle to ourselves. We take the time to listen to our inner wisdom and we take inspired action accordingly. This is the springboard for bringing compassion, kindness and wise action into our world.

The journey ahead is filled with boundless opportunities for self-discovery, love, and personal and planetary transformation. Are you ready to embrace your infinite potential and unlock the magic of your own story? Let's walk this path together, celebrating the power of imagination and the beauty of life's adventure.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


Precious Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted February 15, 2023

Harold W. Becker 2023-02-14Each of us is gifted with the creative abilities of thought and feeling to imagine the lives we dream of. We have the innate capacity to discover and discern our innermost heartfelt desires and, with intention and focus, realize and manifest the joys of our potentials. This amazing planet provides the canvas for our adventures and our bodies are the vehicle to enjoy all of the sensory experiences along the way. Through it all, the guiding energy that inspires us at our core is the precious love that we are.

As humans, we are forever interacting with a multitude of earthly expressions and formulating our own response while integrating knowledge as we progress through life. Initially absorbing input from our immediate surroundings during our youth, we evolve and mature our understanding and interactions from the countless aspects of our daily living. From the numerous elements of the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms, to the environmental, geographical, cultural and family inputs that are an integral part of our path, each provides a reflection of our ever-changing and always emerging potential.

When we know ourselves as creative beings, we amplify our potential by being aware of our true power within. Knowing our reality is actually based in our thoughts and feelings allows the opportunity to keenly choose the highest and most positive perspectives that we can envision. This awareness ensures that our minds are free to expand beyond any perceived limitations and our imagination is openly receptive to fresh and new ideas as we move forward.

In this way, our path flows naturally with harmony and joyful expectancy. Each moment we are the ones choosing to direct our attention in one way or another. From this point of personal power, we can manifest whatever we wish to experience. When it resonates from our heart, we create with harm to none and add to the overall wellbeing of our planet and ourselves. This is how life is intended to unfold. We are here to enjoy the very essence of the creative process in all its richness and diversity.

Our incredible earth is a paradise of unfathomable beauty and intricacy that supports our very existence. In turn, our bodies are made from these same elemental building blocks and are magical in their boundless ability to witness and interact with this orb unlike any other creature in existence. It is our conscious awareness of love that unites it all and makes the journey precious beyond compare.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)

It is our conscious awareness of love that unites it all.-Harold W. Becker


Lovingly Free in 2023 by Harold W. Becker - Posted January 1, 2023

Harold W. Becker 2022-12-21We are magnificent beings born into a world filled with adventure and pure potential. We awaken into this reality with a fresh, newborn awareness that provides a blank canvas in which we can create every good thing through our thoughts and feelings. We are self-aware while also being aware of our surroundings. We are present in the moment and cared for deeply, from the cells that build our bodies to the cosmic stardust that bring our atoms to life here on our precious planet. Everything is working with us for our greatest good. Life responds to our intention and provides all the elements necessary for our journey and each breath and every heartbeat signals our presence as creator beings. On a fundamental level, we know unconditional love permeates every aspect making it all possible.

This universal love is part of an ever-expanding creation that includes countless others, including our families, communities, cultures, environments and the earth itself. Each step we take, and as we grow forward into our lives, we encounter and interact with a myriad of expressions and creations. They impact us in a variety of ways and depending on our countenance in the moment, they can be a positive or less than positive influence. We often unwittingly take on the attitudes, perspectives, limitations, expectations, and ideas of others and even our environment, and begin to base our reality solely upon external conditions. Without this recognition of love, we eventually lose sight of our eternal nature as creators.

Thankfully, each moment is one of renewal as the current moment fades into the past and a new moment emerges budding with opportunity. In this way, life is an eternally unfolding kaleidoscope of infinite dimensions as each combination is a new beginning as well as completion. For us, depending on our personal perceptions, these cycles may feel like a brief encounter in a moment of time or spiral through circles of time we feel as months or years. In whatever way we may perceive life flowing through and around us, we are never truly separate from the love that is intimately a part of it all.

When we allow ourselves to unite with this innate love, we become timeless once again. We realize that we are pure potential and we flow our energy in ways that uplift and expand. We realize the source of our creation comes from within and how we think and what we feel is our guidance system. We listen within and decide upon our truth as we feel it in our hearts and then express it as kindness and compassion, knowing that what we have within, we give out and that life responds accordingly.

As we embark upon each new cycle, we are lovingly free to explore life as we wish. Whether in the moment or part of a larger cycle of life, we are the ones choosing by our intention, thoughts, feelings, word, deed and actions. We get to imagine our best life and allow each moment to reveal it in magical ways. We are the love we have always been and forever will be, and that is what sets us truly free.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)

Life is an eternally unfolding kaleidoscope of infinite dimensions.-Harold W. Becker


Being You in 2022 by Harold W. Becker - Posted January 2, 2022

Harold W Becker 2022-01-02When we take a moment to gaze upon the brilliance of the stars, enjoy a beautiful flower radiating its essence, or bask in the smile of another, we are aligning with the very forces that create universes. This resonates naturally with who we are and why we feel the depths of infinite potential walking with us on our earthly adventure. We are love made manifest and are here to delight in the journey of creation here on our magnificent planet. It is such a simple awareness when our hearts are open and our minds are calm. We are a willing ally, contributor and experiencer of life itself. Love unites everything in its cosmic dance of eternity.

We also grow and expand our individual and collective conscious awareness through our experiences here. Nature teaches us the rhythms and cycles of sustainability, renewal and evolution. The solar system brings the vital ebb and flow of magnetic and solar regeneration as it plays within the greater galactic realms. Our bodies provide the countless sensory responses that make this world our physical playground and platform to manifest and become anything we desire. Our humanity is the amalgamation of all of our combined thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams, as we continue to ascend into ever greater realities of innumerable dimensions.

At our core, we are a timeless and limitless spirit that knows itself as an eternal being of love. This aspect of us holds our highest potential and gently awaits us to recognize and embody our grandness. Everything we think and do adds to the greater whole of all that is and all are forever held in an unconditional embrace. We hear this wisdom and know this inner presence through our intuition and sense of pure peace. There is no separation to who we truly are, just moments where we focus away from this knowing. We are believing and reacting to the fleeting physical reality rather than the broader perspective where wellbeing and goodness are always in play. It is like seeing a cloud as the only reality while the sun continues to shine just beyond. The cloud always passes and the sun is always present.

We are part of a generational and chronological progression that is eons upon eons in the making. Encompassing myriad perspectives and experiences from immeasurable incarnations of individuals, cultures, and shared thoughtforms throughout time, we have come to identify more with our place in the social constructs than we do with our own innate being as a creator and author of our own story. We may have learned to adapt ourselves to circumstances and become what we thought others want us to be, now we awaken to our personal power and realize who we really are.

The wealth of our imagination is boundless and is the starting point of all great adventures. We have everything we need and want right within our own beingness. Our inner guidance is our greatest friend and is always present when we simply quiet our mind and flow from our heart. Tune within and align with the fullness of who you are and always were. You get to be the courageous and outrageous you that you are meant to be, where all things are possible and life is of your making. Being you is being love, you always were and always will be.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)

Being you is being love.-Harold W. Becker





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