Founder's Address


Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2024,

It is a joy to greet you this day as we celebrate our beloved humanity on our precious planet. Each May 1st we come together as a global family, in honor and delight, to share our universal bond of love. We appreciate each other and acknowledge the spark of life that unites us as one.

As we come to realize our magnificence as amazing beings capable of creating our heart?s desires, we also recognize that all life is interconnected and interdependent. What we think and feel is the foundation of our individual and collective lives and that we make a profound difference when we come from love.

Love begins with the simple awareness of self-acceptance and forgiveness. Knowing we are worthy beyond measure; we radiate our light to one another. This is the cornerstone for igniting our grandest potential and encourages us to manifest the highest and best good of all.

With respect and compassion, we joyfully embrace diversity. The many unique facets each of us bring to this earthly journey creates a brilliant kaleidoscope that reflects, expands and exalts our cosmic heritage. Just as the stardust of eons are the building blocks of our existence, so to, do we add to the vibrancy and beauty that honors our ancestry and inspires countless generations yet to come.

It is with deepest gratitude and greatest pleasure that I wish you a wondrous celebration of life today and every day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation, Inc.



Greetings Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2023,

This day marks our special 20th anniversary of Global Love Day as a celebration of our humanity and recognition of the unconditional love in each of us. Joining together around the world on this day, we embody our magnificent presence and amazing capacity to imagine and manifest a better world for all. The joy in our hearts connects us all in this grand symphony of life.

Each moment is precious as we realize how love begins with self-acceptance and forgiveness. From this foundation, all things are possible. What we think and feel becomes our reality, and when we infuse love from our heart, we bring wonder and beauty to our collective composition.

We know we are interconnected and interdependent and each choice of compassion and kindness makes a profound difference to our individual and planetary wellbeing. Our presence is an integral part of life as we bring a unique and magical energy of loving resonance that flows throughout our journey, touching countless lives.

As we share this universal bond of love with one another, we understand that with respect and compassion we embrace diversity in all its many arrangements. This diversity brings a kaleidoscope of color that enriches the very essence of life, expanding what is achievable with each unfolding expression.

Made from the atomic building blocks of the stars, we shine brightest when we open our heart and expand our mind to our true brilliance as powerful, creative and loving beings. As grand conductors of our lives, we are also one humanity on this planet and together we are making a difference through love.

With a happy heart and gracious appreciation, I welcome you to our twentieth Global Love Day celebration.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2022,

We gather together to celebrate our world as a diverse amalgamation of countless expressions sharing the universal bond of love. Life itself is a miraculous adventure and each of us is a magnificent being of loving potential passing through it. From the natural kingdoms to our humanity on this precious earth, we know all life is interconnected and interdependent and we consciously embrace our presence within it.

As we open our hearts, we realize that love begins with self-acceptance and forgiveness and that this is the foundation for personal and planetary wellbeing. The wisdom of love infuses our awareness and ensures that what we think, feel and create benefits all life now and thrives into our children's future.

Being a part of all that is, we understand that with respect and compassion we embrace diversity and appreciate the infinite gifts life continuously bestows every moment. Our compassion and kindness touches heart-to-heart igniting the spark of love that lights the way forward with each step we collectively take.

Our individual presence of love is vital and essential, and together we are making a profound difference through love. As our heartfelt universal song of humanity ripples throughout the cosmos, we transform the very nature of life itself into ever more beautiful expressions of love.

With joy and gratitude, I welcome you to our nineteenth Global Love Day celebration.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.


Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2021,

All around our precious earth, we are hearing and responding to the inner call of unconditional love. With every unfolding moment, our interconnected and interdependent reality becomes increasingly obvious. Beyond borders and beliefs, habits and traditions, we are realizing how each of us is an integral part of the very fabric of life itself and that love is the foundation of our mutual wellbeing.

As circumstances and expressions continue to transform our lives, it is evident how we all share in the universal bond of love and how we make a profound difference when we come together in harmony, love, kindness and collaboration. We are indeed one humanity on this planet, co-creating a beautiful unfolding journey with all the kingdoms of this orb.

Beginning each day with self-acceptance and forgiveness, we breathe fresh life into our individual and collective potentials. Sharing our love from one heart to the next, we embrace and celebrate our unique diversity with compassion and respect. We honor each other and ourselves with dignity and integrity. We step lightly upon the very ground we walk and embrace those we encounter as reflections of ourselves. We know and comprehend that every choice of thought and feeling has profound impact on our lives right now and continues on to the children of our future.

The transformational power of love begins with me and with you. This is the wisdom of our heart calling to us, encouraging and inspiring us to be love.

With gratitude and joy, I welcome you to our eighteenth Global Love Day celebration.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.


Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2020,

In these extraordinary moments on our precious planet, we join heart-to-heart around the world as one humanity. We comprehend how all life is interconnected and interdependent and through love, we heal, nurture and bring grace into our individual and collective lives. We all truly share the universal bond of love.

Through introspection, self-acceptance and forgiveness, we embark on a new adventure where love is our foundation in every thought, feeling, word, and deed. From this expansive and inclusive awareness, we go boldly forth, bringing our love into each moment and every experience. We recognize love begins with me as natural and personal expressions of kindness, goodwill, peace and joy, in our daily lives.

The wisdom of love knows every facet of life is significant and magnificent and that through respect and compassion, we embrace the innate and ever-present diversity necessary to life itself. We celebrate not only our humanity this day, we rejoice in the life giving essence of our home here on this amazing globe.

Opening our hearts is the gateway to a more gentle, caring, brighter and generous world where we acknowledge everyone as a vital part of the whole. Appreciating the boundless gifts held in every moment, we encourage one another to realize our combined creative potential through balance and harmony with each other and ourselves.

It is our time to cultivate and express our dreams of a better and grander world for our children and the earth herself. What we envision today becomes our tomorrow, so let us begin by knowing that together we make a difference through love.

With joy, peace and love, I welcome you to our seventeenth Global Love Day celebration.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.


Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2019,

We join our hearts this day in celebration of life itself. Coming together around the globe, we unify our highest intention and collective potential, igniting the creative spark that lights our shared journey forward on this precious planet we call home. Realizing our magnificence as loving beings, each of us holds the key to our brightest futures. Compassion, kindness, joy and peace are our natural expressions when we recognize that love begins with me.

As one humanity on this planet, we have a common heritage and universal destiny. With each unfolding moment, we are comprehending the grandness of our personal and combined opportunities to evoke our heart-felt wisdom. It is a simple knowing that all life is interconnected and interdependent and our gift to the world is appreciating one another with grace and dignity.

We all share in the Universal bond of love and, from this essential understanding, we build fresh, new realities that infuse the very best of who we are. In this way, we consciously manifest for the greatest benefit of all. We begin with self-acceptance and forgiveness as the cornerstone to a foundation built solidly on love. This ensures we inspire, nurture, cultivate and express our dreams of a better world for our children and the earth herself.

There are infinite possibilities before us to explore as we walk in harmony with everyone and everything around us. It is with respect and compassion that we embrace diversity. We learn and grow through our countless interactions and expand far beyond the sum of our parts when we allow ourselves to evolve beyond our present perspectives. The majesty of life reveals itself within and about us when we open our hearts. Together we truly do make a difference through love.

With happiness, delight and love, I welcome you to our sixteenth Global Love Day celebration.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2018,

We celebrate this special day as a symbol of our universal bond of love that forever unites us all. We come together in every nation, community, neighborhood, and home, to extend our heart-felt greetings of friendship to one another, acknowledging our mutual heritage as a global family. We share today as a demonstration of this timeless truth available to us every day, laying a solid foundation of peace and love for generations yet to come.

Around the world, we are instantly connecting and communicating beyond borders, cultures and traditions, realizing we are one precious humanity on this beautiful planet. Embracing our potential by coming together in kindness, we are emerging as a peaceful civilization in ways never known before on a widespread scale. By acknowledging our individual and collective heart, we are overcoming the momentum and challenges of our past and making the necessary choices towards a brighter, more sustainable future.

Understanding that all life is interconnected and interdependent is vital in manifesting a world that incorporates this fundamental awareness in every facet of creation and interaction. We initiate this process by going within, where love begins with self-acceptance and forgiveness. In this way, we imbue these essential qualities into our prospective possibilities, in everything we think, feel, and do. This naturally leads to an innate respect and compassion for each other where we joyfully embrace diversity.

Life on this majestic earth, designed with everything needed to nourish and flourish, fills us with the knowing that we are capable of creating our highest hopes and dreams and that indeed, love begins with me. Coming from our heart ensures that together we make a profound difference through love.

With joy, gratitude and love, I welcome you to our fifteenth celebration of Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.


Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2017,

We gather around the world this day to celebrate as one humanity on this planet. We know with clarity and deep understanding that each life form is precious and a part of the whole. Nature sings this wisdom with us every moment during the sunshine days and the twinkle of the starlit night. This is our heritage and our destiny, from ancient days gone by to unimaginable futures that await our loving creation.

Our individual and collective journey is a part of life that is forever interconnected and interdependent from the smallest subatomic vibration to a cosmos so vast that we can barely conceive its grandness. Cycles upon cycles nourish and cultivate our evolving awareness as we learn from aspects of our reality that remind us how we all share in the Universal bond of love.

Each of us is on a magnificent personal adventure exploring the depths of our creative potential while continuously interacting with one another and the world around us. This shared expression encourages us to build a foundation on the simple realization that love begins with self-acceptance and forgiveness. With this fundamental vision, we evolve and grow together with harmony, dignity and grace.

Inherent in our mutual and collaborative experience is the necessary insight that with respect and compassion we embrace diversity. Through variety, we bring fresh perspectives and rich meaning to our lives as we absorb and blend the many components of ever expanding possibilities into our colorful palette of creation.

As with any creation, challenges may proliferate for a time as we continue to lay the cornerstones of a kinder, gentler world for countless generations yet to arrive and add their special gifts. By acknowledging that each of us is a powerful force for good and that love begins with me, we will manifest the appropriate solutions simply because together we make a difference through love.

In gratitude and peace, I extend a warm welcome to everyone on this, our fourteenth celebration of Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.


Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2016,

Like a sparkling sunrise beckoning us to explore our boundless potential, a fresh new beginning is emerging on our exquisite earth. Around the world our collective heartbeat is starting to pulse in unison, ushering in the timeless reminder that we are one humanity on this planet. We are linking across the globe in ways we never dreamed of, while simultaneously connecting to our very own heart center at a depth never imagined.

These inner and outer connections are synchronizing at a pace that seem to defy our comprehension and yet, day-by-day we are rising to this call of love. The quantum simplicity is in the knowing that all life is interconnected and interdependent and that the choices we make in our thoughts and feelings affect the whole. We are realizing we have the power to change the very fabric of life by the way we choose to live, and when we share in the universal bond of love, all life benefits.

We are here today to celebrate this loving essence that flows through each of us, igniting our combined creativity and ingenuity. With courage and strength, and through self-acceptance and forgiveness, we are healing generations gone by and those yet to come. We are building the foundation for our children so that they may walk a path of peace, grace and harmony, in ways we never have.

It is with the utmost respect and compassion that we embrace the diversity that makes us all unique. Our grand tapestry is woven with infinite colors and each strand is vital and equally essential. We are turning on our inner light and revealing the ever-changing kaleidoscope of brilliant possibilities and allowing the collaborative nature of our being to come forth.

We are making a difference through love. This is clearly evident, especially when we recognize it is our own heart beating, expanding and embracing the world around us. This is our gift to life; being a presence of love right where we are.

With gratitude for your courage to share your love so beautifully, I welcome you to our thirteenth celebration of Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.


Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2015,

As we come together around the world on this extraordinary day, we celebrate the unifying love that connects us all. Our collective chorus is beginning to sing the timeless remembrance that we are one humanity on this planet. In a song that is being written from our hearts, each of us is powerfully and profoundly adding our voice to this beautiful harmony.

With every passing moment we are witnessing an emerging shared realization that all life is interconnected and interdependent and that by collaborating in the spirit of unity and oneness, we create a whole new melody in tune with our greater nature. Gone are the days where we accept the din of separation and division as a way of perception and demarcation. In its place we are embracing and sharing the Universal bond of love that has always been the fundamental and inherent way of the uni-verse: our one song.

This orchestration of an evolving awareness does not come without effort on our part. In order to compose a sustained rhythm for a peaceful humankind, we are comprehending that love begins with me through self acceptance and forgiveness. From this place of understanding, we easily resonate with respect and compassion and joyfully embrace diversity. Building upon this solid foundation, all things are indeed possible.

A symphony is always greater than the sum of its parts and ours is rapidly bringing together a magnificent vibration in full measure. Heart-to-heart we are expressing our deep desire to live consciously, creatively and harmoniously with one another and our precious earth. Through integrity, dignity, kindness and consideration, we are resonating together once again and are making a remarkable difference through love.

With admiration and appreciation, I welcome you to our twelfth celebration of Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2014,

We live upon an amazingly beautiful planet with a precious and beloved humanity. Coming together this day, we celebrate our heart-centered goodness and kindness that connects each of us around the world as one. United in love, we join as individuals, communities and nations, to express our mutual joy for life – the essence of our vision for Global Love Day each May 1st as a symbol of living with love every day.

As we all share in this Universal bond of love, we are becoming increasingly aware of our presence upon this marvelous orb we call home. We are rapidly appreciating our innate responsibility as caretakers and guardians of life in all its diverse forms and realize that through us, the planet will flourish or decline. The choice is up to each of us; for indeed love begins with me.

Interconnected and interdependent, we are rising to the occasion and making a difference through love. Through self acceptance and mutual forgiveness we are laying our foundation to provide the best possible opportunities for a thriving and sustainable earth that will benefit countless generations to come. With courage, integrity, harmony and dignity, we nourish and bestow our legacy of love from which others will blossom and expand upon.

From compassion and respect, we willingly and naturally embrace the diversity that makes our world an astonishing kaleidoscope of opportunity and potential. Learning from one another enriches our experience beyond measure and delights the very center of our collective soul. Life is infinitely vast and varied and every aspect, particle, and manifestation is profound and exquisitely essential.

An awakening heart has its challenges as we readily release the limitations, outmoded beliefs, structures and limitations that no longer serve. Yet in these transformative moments, we realize that who we are becoming through love is worth every effort as we birth a new reality that enlivens all.

With deep gratitude and love, I welcome you to our eleventh celebration of Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2013,

Just a brief ten years ago we launched a simple idea that holds profound potential – celebrating our humanity through unconditional love on this symbolic day that we call Global Love Day. Today we bear witness to the beautiful response from countless individuals like you in every nation and culture who are bringing life to this vision by embodying and sharing love each and every day.

A new world is being born that ensures the destiny of our children will be one that is filled with integrity, dignity, diversity, harmony, prosperity and compassion. One-by-one and heart-to-heart we are laying this foundation with our own love for the benefit of generations yet to come. Bridging the days of old, we understand the value of forgiveness and self acceptance as being the cornerstone of our personal effort. Love truly does begin with me.

With each successive year, we are rapidly experiencing the realization that we are interconnected and interdependent and always have been. We comprehend that this precious planet is our home and, as a collective humanity, we are its custodians. What we do for one, we do for all, including ourselves. Together, we are uniting and making a difference through love.

Traditions, obligations and beliefs are transforming into viable pathways and solutions that are inclusive and acknowledge the common good for everyone. Alas, this does not always come easy or without challenge; however with courage, wisdom, respect and perseverance, we are taking the necessary steps knowing we are the ones responsible for this unfolding journey.

I extend my personal gratitude to each of you for sharing this vision with us these many years and for consciously making this a better world for all. With deep appreciation and love, I welcome you to our tenth celebration of Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2012,

Our collective humanity celebrates in unity today as we gather in every country and culture to share in a mutual exchange of unconditional love. We feel the call to love emanating from deep within and respond with our combined voices in an exquisite song of oneness. It is truly a remarkable and profound time to be alive on this precious planet.

The awakening heart is being felt by everyone and the return to our universal bond of love is becoming self evident. All around the world people are coming together in harmony and friendship, acknowledging the interconnected and interdependent nature of our earthly journey. With each passing day, the transformation into love gains momentum in every aspect of our experience as outworn and outmoded limiting ways are replaced with collaborative and sustainable opportunities.

Gone are the days of ignorance and separation as we embrace ourselves with acceptance and forgiveness, and in turn, extend these innate qualities to those around us. Respect and compassion are our calling card as we encourage and welcome diversity as a natural, creative approach to life.

Unconditional love is how we make a positive difference and in unison we are carefully laying the foundation from which a new world is born. This emerging world honors our ancestors while nourishing and nurturing future generations yet to come. Such monumental change brings its own challenges as we realize the need to release that which no longer serves and welcome that which expands our expression and conscious awareness.

Through it all, we know beyond knowing that love begins with me.

In loving gratitude for your beautiful presence, I welcome you to our ninth celebration of Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2011,

As we gather together on this symbolic day, we acknowledge and celebrate our universal humanity while sharing the song of our common heartbeat. This is a profound and spectacular moment to be alive as both participant and witness to an amazing transformation and return to love on our precious planet.

The vastness of our world is rapidly becoming more intimate and we are quickly realizing the complexity of life can only be resolved through the simplicity of love. This love does not depend on words as it is readily felt from heart to heart. It is experienced in the forgiveness and compassion we offer to others and the self acceptance we give ourselves. Respect, honor and dignity are the immediate and lasting impression while the ultimate expression is in the smallest gestures of kindness that change the destiny for so many.

We are the weavers of this love and are also intricately woven into the very fabric of life itself. Our magnificent earth is a living example of this innate and natural love and it is our great fortune to be the stewards and examples of unconditional love towards all living things. Coming together like a grand tapestry, our diverse interconnectedness and interdependence is the very thing that unites us as one.

We all share a common, universal bond of amazing potential through love and each of us makes a profound difference just by being who we are. The ideas we entertain in our consciousness today are the seeds of a future yet to be made. And when love is the key component of each thought and feeling, a truly beautiful world is born.

This time is not without extraordinary challenges as we move forward, yet love endures the most difficult circumstances and still remains as love. There is great strength in intimacy, incredible opportunity with courage, and, as we lead by the example of love, we walk together with all.

Welcome everyone to our eighth anniversary celebration of Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2010,

This is a precious and essential moment on our beautiful planet as we gather around the world today in a unified expression of unconditional love. In every nation and in each culture, we come together as one heartbeat sharing the love that is our true and natural collective potential. We choose on this day to embrace ourselves and each other and to celebrate our extraordinary humanity.

From our great oceans and vast plains, to the highest mountains and grand rivers that sustain our fragile and vital ecosystem, to our village friends and city dwellers that bring meaning to our common journey, we are quickly realizing that everyone and everything is interconnected and interdependent. It is also increasingly evident in every corner of our world that great change is upon us. By standing together in mutual respect, honor and dignity for one another, we will answer this call with creative, viable and sustainable solutions that benefit all.

We must take the necessary steps now to reach out to our fellow humans and extend our hand in forgiveness, acceptance and genuine friendship. Our choices shall be made from compassion, while embracing the richness of our amazing diversity. The love and acceptance we have for ourselves will be the source of our strength to assist others. Together we can and will make a difference through love.

These necessary changes may challenge us to the depths of our courage and test the very essence of our personal character, yet with each ensuing breath we shall remain in love and this love will be the very basis of a new era of peace and abundance, equality and goodwill for each and every one.

You are powerful beyond measure and are present at this remarkable time to share your incredible wisdom, creative nature, and unconditional love. We extend our heartfelt appreciation to each of you.

As love begins with me, I welcome you to our seventh annual Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Ones to Global Love Day 2009,

Our heart beats to a new universal rhythm today as countless people unite around the world to share a grand celebration of our collective humanity. We gather in groups large and small, in quiet meditation and in joyful festivities, to embrace ourselves and each other in the spirit of unconditional love. On this symbolic day, we come together as one universal family in recognition of our common adventure of life on this beautiful earth.

This is a momentous time upon our planetary journey as we face many new opportunities to express our willingness to live in peace, prosperity and a shared desire for the good and well being of all people. We hold the key to our joint potential with the simple idea; "love begins with me." The love that we have in our heart is what we give to those around us and experience in return. The circle of life is complete when love is a conscious part of our expression.

Our world is steadily becoming one of mutual collaboration and genuine cooperation. We clearly realize that life is interconnected and interdependent and that our thoughts, feelings, words, deeds and actions have a global effect. We understand this universal bond between us and how love must begin with self acceptance and forgiveness to bring about true health, happiness and well being. When we come from love, all things are brought into harmony and balance.
With respect for ourselves and others, we allow compassion to flow naturally between us. We acknowledge the many gifts and talents we each possess and welcome this diversity as a wonderful manifestation of life. We truly are one humanity and together we gladly choose to make a difference through love.

On this sixth anniversary presentation of Global Love Day – May 1st, know that you are an extraordinary and remarkable example of the love that is present every day and that you are an inspiration to us all.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.
2009 Annual Global Love Day message Video Version...



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2008,

All around the world we are gathering this day as one heart to celebrate our collective journey of humanity upon this beautiful planet we call home. Whether as individuals, families, groups or entire communities, each of us is embracing one another knowing that we are indeed a global family. We greet each other with warmth, laughter and joy as we recognize that we all share in the common bond of universal love.

On this symbolic day, we choose of our own free will to express our love and acceptance for ourselves and one another. We acknowledge the diversity in our perceived differences and simultaneously enjoy the understanding of our interconnected and interdependent lives. With a compassionate heart, we know that it is only through conscious forgiveness and unconditional love that we can truly heal the ages and bring dignity, peace and harmony back to our reality.

Love is finding its way back into our awareness and we are feeling this truth from the very core of our being. We know there is more. Beyond the outer forms, beliefs, difficulties and challenges we all face, we comprehend that we are capable of immense love and kindness. We have the capacity to share our love and wisdom and leave a legacy for all our future generations.

Coming together in this way today, we are making a profound difference and changing the manner in which we interact with each other. By letting go of outmoded ideals of fear and separation, we are opening up to new potentials of cooperation and collaboration. We are becoming the standard by which others may realize their own opportunity to engage the love they have within.

Yes, Global Love Day is a symbol and it is also a model for how we can be and express love every day. This is our shared example of a new beginning where love and unity combine to offer sustainable solutions for all people and our environment and it simply begins with me.

We welcome each and every one of you on this May 1st, a special fifth anniversary celebration of humanity we call Global Love Day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2007,

It is an honor to greet each of you around the world as we gather together on this symbolic day with many hearts beating as one global love. We come in celebration to share our humanity and embrace our diversity. We sing, laugh and dance to the tune of a brilliant new future. We are embarking upon a wondrous journey where unconditional love is a natural aspect of our personal and collective vision. It is a time where we heal our world and restore the beauty and abundance that belongs to everyone. Our thoughts, words, deeds and actions, now and forever more, come from love.

Global Love Day began as a way to recall our oneness and I am delighted to share that humanity is responding. Each year we build upon a foundation of love that steadily increases in strength, understanding and awareness. Thanks to your courage and unyielding determination, unconditional love is being felt as more than just a possibility; it is becoming a reality as it stirs in the consciousness of everyone.

Our core vision for this day continues to guide us on our adventure as we once again awaken our heart. Simply stated: we are one humanity on this planet - all life is interconnected and interdependent - all share in the Universal bond of love - love begins with self acceptance and forgiveness - with tolerance and compassion we embrace diversity - and together we make a difference with love.

These are not mere idle words; they are a grand potential and road map to bring joyful change in a world that has mostly forgotten its own heritage. When we embody and radiate their meaning as part of our personal way of life, we become beacons of love where others can find comfort and understanding, kindness and consideration. When we gather together in groups to share our love we move mountains and heal generations with this amazing energy.

Let us join this day hand in hand and heart to heart. Let our beautiful earth hear our song and let humanity feel our love. Let our world know that love is possible as we strive to be its example every day.

Be the love and most certainly love will prevail. Be of good cheer and the world will reflect the joy in your heart.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Dear Friends to Global Love Day 2006,

Today we stand as one humanity sharing the vision, wisdom and knowing that unconditional love is the way to universal peace, health, abundance, and joy. Across the face of this planet, countless people are joining us in this celebration of humanity – the recognition that we are all united in love.

What began as a flicker of potential is rapidly becoming a beautiful flame in the hearts of humanity. You and I are fanning this flame of love into a living reality by using it in our everyday life. By our individual and collective courage, we are becoming the example of a new era filled with love. Through forgiveness and self acceptance, tolerance and compassion, we are embracing one another and the very life essence that weaves throughout our existence.

We see now with open eyes that we are in fact interconnected and interdependent. Love is not constrained by borders or classes, riches or poverty, intellect or ignorance. Love is far grander than any limit we have ever placed upon it in our minds. When we view the earth from afar, it is wondrous and alive, filled with unlimited potential to become even more. It is by harmony and unity that we discover and manifest this potential.

We now understand that we do make a difference through love. Our heart pulses to the same beat everywhere and we hear the call to love one another as we love ourselves. This is practical, this is simple and this is our journey. By accepting our strength and ability to transform our own lives we become a beacon and a way shower of potential to those around us. One by one we come together. Heart to heart we link and in an instant the world has become one filled with universal peace, health, abundance, and joy.

Miles, moments, languages and limitations dissolve this day as we share in our unique gatherings around the world. We come together as a symbol this May 1st to share the love that is ever present to us everyday.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome Honored Friends to this, our second annual Global Love Day.

Today we celebrate our humanity as brothers and sisters upon this beautiful earth. We gather together as a global family to share in unity, understanding, and love. Embracing our similarities, we release the differences that bind us to the past. Offering forgiveness and acceptance, we sing in harmony with one another. Presenting our hand in trust, we build a new future for the world.

Today tens of thousands around the world are sharing in this experience and are placing their attention upon the wisdom of unconditional love. Connecting heart to heart, we hear the call to accept one another and walk boldly forth arm in arm. By expressing tolerance and compassion we dissolve the old memories of pain and struggle, hatred and doubt, and in return we dance with diversity.

Global Love Day is a symbol and a recalling that love is the natural order of life every moment. It is a remembrance that only love heals and only love is permanent. All else is but the ever shifting sands of time and experience.

Love begins with me this day as I accept and forgive the mistakes of the past. Only when I seek this resolve within can I know how to accept and love those around me. We leave our mark upon this wondrous journey not through our possessions, rather through our integrity and dignity, wisdom and understanding. When we honor our path, we honor those around us and life responds in joy.

Let us dance to a new song this day and let history record this moment as a new dawn of love upon the planet. This is the moment we set aside our fear and begin sharing love. Simply be love this day and every day.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



Welcome to the First Annual Global Love Day.

As we gather in our hearts in every nation and in every land, we come together as a beautiful reflection of love. This day is a symbol that love unites us all.
Today, we join hands and hearts as we begin to listen to the rhythm of life and the song of love. We turn our attention to the love within and watch as it quietly restores balance and presents the solutions to the problems we seem to face.

We honor this day as we acknowledge we are one humanity upon this planet. We realize once again we are interconnected and interdependent and that we all share in the Universal bond of love. We remind ourselves love must begin with self acceptance and forgiveness and that when we share our tolerance and compassion we embrace diversity. On this day and every day we make a difference through love.

We dwell in the present moment, accept our past and let our future unfold. We gaze upon each other and see ourselves. We open our hearts and allow love to flow. We look around and see beauty instead of shame, wisdom instead of ignorance, grace where there once was fear. We set aside our differences and accept our oneness. On this day and every day we make a difference through love.

Now is the time for us to heal, to forgive and to love. It is our moment to recall we are all in it together and there is no real separation between us. We all laugh, we all cry and we all love. Our thoughts, feelings, words and actions are felt by everyone. Our real strength and power is when we come from unconditional love. This may be the first Global Love Day, yet in our hearts we can live this way every day.

Perhaps we begin a new day upon this wondrous planet, a day that history will record as the return of love… the day we remembered each other as a global family.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.




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