Special Messages

Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.

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The Simplest Gift by Harold Becker - December 20, 2007

Unconditional Gratitude by Harold Becker - November 15, 2007

The Big Picture of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - October 21, 2007

Funny Thing About Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - September 20, 2007

Thinking With Our Heart by Harold Becker - August 17, 2007

Loving Unconditionally by Harold Becker - July 16, 2007

Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - August 1, 2006

Dear Friends by Harold W. Becker - August 5, 2005


The Simplest Gift by Harold Becker - December 20, 2007

Dear Friends,

This time of year often brings travel, traditions, family and unity to the center stage. For many, it is an opportunity to gather and share our symbolic gifts, stories and personal experiences. We come together to celebrate as one and connect with those near and dear to us. Goodwill is our theme as we more readily open our hearts and naturally embrace each other in mutual brother/sisterhood during this period.

Within these moments, remember that you carry a special and unique gift that has a wondrous and amazing quality; it is always available, has no cost, cannot be bought, stolen, bartered or lost, it replenishes itself without measure no matter how much of it you give away, and it seeks nothing in return. You can easily bestow it to yourself and everyone around you and, while doing so, the whole world simultaneously benefits. It is the simplest gift anyone can give that never needs to be wrapped or unwrapped. It is unconditional love.

When we come from our heart of hearts and share the boundless love for all life, we know that all is well and that our very existence is enough. We see the reflection of our own nature in the eyes of another and this timeless love instantly balances and heals our reality.

Consider bringing your special gift into all of your experiences. Share the love that you are without condition and witness the transformation in everyone and everything around you. Be the one who knows what the real secret is to life and let the twinkle in your eye be the ribbon of light that awakens another to their potential.

You are the light and love of the world, always have been and always will be. Shine your light this season, as well as all year long, and give the simplest gift of unconditional love to everyone you encounter.

From all of us at The Love Foundation, we wish you abundant joy, laughter and unconditional love.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Unconditional Gratitude by Harold Becker - November 15, 2007

YouTube Video version for Unconditional Gratitude Watch...

Dear Friends,

Every moment is a precious, unique and incredible gift of life. A magnificent sunset, a cool morning breeze, the laughter of a child, the warm embrace of a friend... these are the real treasures that require nothing more than our recognition of them. When we are fully present, our love and gratitude is as natural as breathing.

This time of year tends to find us experiencing a great number of festivals, holidays, gatherings and a wide variety of traditions around the world. Many of these observances have as their focus the understanding of thankfulness and gratitude and at their core, a deep meaning of love. Gratitude and unconditional love - they go hand in hand, yet how well do we truly understand their importance and affect on our lives?

Giving thanks is universal across all cultures and is expressed in a myriad of ways depending on beliefs, rituals and social norms of the day. Some see it as reaping an abundant harvest, others as acknowledgement for the blessings of the good that has happened personally, in the family and perhaps in the community or nation. Each is a recognition that we have been taken care of in some acceptable or exceptional way. In essence, it is our formal way of taking time to recognize the beauty and bounty held in every moment and the amazing way that the whole of life is woven in a grand design to provide for our existence and joy.

The wonder of our very life depends on an amazingly intricate and complex combination of interactions that are continuously underway. From our breath and incredible functioning body to the daily encounters with nature, humanity and beyond, each moment is filled with an infinite number of facets we could single out to be grateful for. However, in our oft unbalanced outer pursuit of worldly things we forget or ignore our "precious moments" and instead ponder what is missing or how things have not gone or are going our way. Only occasionally do we stop to give thanks for a notable or obligatory reason.

Gratitude for a harvest gone well is certainly important, however if we are not aware that our body is our temple for example, and necessary to actually experience the harvest, we have missed the real moment of understanding gratitude. It all works together. And... it is easy to express our gratitude when things are going well, however what happens when the harvest falls short or we have challenges and difficulties in our personal and collective lives? If relationships, finances or health are in jeopardy, are we still grateful? How do we accept life and still be thankful when at times appearances seem to say our lives are falling apart? True gratitude, like true love, is unconditional.

Unconditional gratitude is unconditional love in action. It is our innate willingness to accept every step of our path no matter what and still maintain a sense of thankfulness. When we remain present in the moment and embrace the good with the less than good, we are coming from our heart that knows all is in order. In these moments, we notice the truly important things and allow our journey to be one of experiences without the judgment of right or wrong, good or bad. This automatically places us in a higher understanding of life that incorporates the big picture. Gratitude is actually how we remind ourselves of the real reason for being on this beautiful orb we call home; that it is ultimately about loving all life unconditionally.

As you celebrate each moment with friends and family or just in the company of yourself and a gorgeous sunrise, consider allowing unconditional gratitude to be your view on life. Let thankfulness come from the depths of your heart and watch what happens.

From my heart to yours, I wish you joy, much laughter and an abundance of love.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



The Big Picture of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - October 21, 2007

YouTube Video version for The Big Picture of Unconditional Love Watch...

Dear Friends,

Our world is always changing and even the most seemingly static physical forms eventually dissolve to be reborn in a new form another day. We, as self aware beings, have the attribute that allows us to interact and influence this process consciously. This is an incredible creative quality that lets us shift, shape and mold the world around us. We get to play with the very fabric of form which is an awesome opportunity with incredible responsibility.

As a result of this creative ability, we presently find ourselves in an era of change that is literally transforming every aspect of our lives. The past hundred years alone has been one of exponential expansion that is affecting every single atom on this beautiful orb we call home. For example, we have gone from experiences like the horse and buggy to interplanetary vehicles mapping the cosmos and from expressing ourselves with ink on paper to infinite forms of electronic communication being conveyed through the air. Even our beloved earth is reflecting resulting changes in the environment which we presently label as global warming.

So what is really driving this seemingly exponential shift in experiences in such a brief period of time? Could the big picture be that we are really opening our heart to allow a profound new way to experience life?

Looking around at the results of our human creative influence, it is clearer and more obvious each day that the thoughts and feelings we hold in our consciousness directly affect everything. The power we wield through our resulting actions is either life affirming or destructive. It is becoming painfully obvious that a logical, technical and mechanical world needs the wise balance of love, nurturing and harmony, otherwise we will destroy ourselves. Our masculine and feminine qualities must come into greater balance for our very survival and evolution.

We are allowing love to merge once again into the very essence of our consciousness. When love is present, outmoded, traditional forms do not fit in the same way they once did. For example, a whip will not motivate a car to move faster any more than a dictator can continue to force a population to be held in fear. These are no longer the way the world works when humanity begins to come from the heart and recognizes the unique equality held in all forms of life. Like with any change, there is a time of chaos as we move from one reality to another.

During this transformational time, we have to let go of things that no longer fit or vibrate with our new expression. We need to be flexible and open to new possibilities. We literally have to think outside the box since we can no longer be contained by limiting perspectives and beliefs. This can be challenging when we are accustomed to certain things being the way they were and attempt to maintain the false perception that things are static, safe and secure. Only by letting go and embracing our potential do we start to experience the manifestations of our new reality.

We are taking the first steps to reveal a world based on diversity, equality, harmony, dignity and respect. How? By each choice we make throughout the day. The world quickly adapts and reflects our individual and collective thoughts and feelings. When we intend to play the game in a new way through unconditional love, our choice not only affects our personal life along with those around us, it changes the world for generations.

When we accept ourselves without condition, forgive and release the many instances and emotional pains of the past, and choose to embrace each moment with full awareness, we return to our natural and true state of being. We build forms that are in harmony with our heart not just our minds. We simplify our approach and allow inspiration to take us to new heights. Fear no longer has hold over us and we walk in peace. Coming from love, we affect outcomes and potentials in a wholly different way. We become the example of a new way of living.

Unconditional love is the big picture. Patience and trust is how we traverse this time period. Be patient with the process. When you simply accept you for you, it is easy to allow those around you to be who they are. Trust that you have the strength and courage to live life your way. Allow the love to flow from your heart and witness the changes you begin to experience. The world awaits your creative and loving input.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Funny Thing About Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - September 20, 2007

YouTube Video version for Funny Thing About Unconditional Love Watch...

Dear Friends,

What is it about life that is so intriguing and at the same time, can be seemingly so difficult? One moment we appear to be happy and content and the next can bring utter chaos. We can move from joy to anger in a split second or find ourselves deeply mired in wallowing grief and despair for no apparent reason. Are we finally willing to understand what motivates these experiences at a causal level or are we content to react to every effect we encounter for the rest of our lives? Perhaps we can begin understanding the mechanism and driving motivation behind our personal and planetary story and re-member ourselves as part of a greater adventure and collective whole. Maybe it is time we embrace unconditional love at a causal level.

Most of us spend our day in some form of reaction to conditions, people, places, and things all processed through our thoughts and feelings. Thinking our way through each circumstance, we attempt to follow a logical pattern and draw a reasonable conclusion to make sense of life while our feelings flair up constantly and often unexpectedly, holding us emotionally hostage in ways we don't even realize. This continues until the next thing comes along and grabs our attention and we head off in another direction. Rather than being fully present in the moment, we compound this process by frequently looking to the past for a sense of direction and stability or daydream a future potential all in hopes that somehow the past or future will free us. When life becomes overwhelming, we combat the resulting chaotic and confusing series of ongoing reactions and unresolvable scenarios by trying to numb, medicate, stimulate or sedate ourselves with an infinite array of methods that further remove us from the reality of reality. Sound familiar?

Add to this mixture the rapidly changing dynamics of our increasing global awareness where we are no longer just dealing with our immediate lives and that of our community, we are faced with the daily issues that plague humanity on a scale far beyond our comprehension much less our conceivable ability to do anything about it. Or so it seems.

There is a different way to approach life that can make sense of it all and bring us the peace, harmony and unconditional love we all crave. What we are really looking for in every experience and encounter is the awareness of love. Not just ordinary love, romantic love, or a superficial validation of love, we are looking for the genuine expression of love without condition or limits. At a core level and at the very center of our being we know this to be true; unconditional love is what we are here to experience. Just hearing or reading the words together "unconditional love" you instantly know and feel the intuitive nudge that makes these two words something more than unconditional and love.

The funny thing about unconditional love is that it is already within us. It has never been anywhere else. Despite our life-long effort to find it outside ourselves in the people, places and things we continually run around creating, we can never "get" unconditional love from others. As children we expected our parents to be the examples of this type of love without conditions, yet it was never expressed or passed along to them either so they had no way of sharing this wisdom. Now as adults, we continue to search through our relationships with everything in the physical - whether person, place or thing, hoping beyond hope to find this limitless love. Simply look around and you will see ample evidence that humanity does not currently understand unconditional love, where it really is and how to express this amazing potential. Yet.

Consider opening your heart to allow unconditional love to flow once again from within you and experience love of a new magnitude. Become the cup that overflows with this vibrant energy and the world will respond in delight. Forgive and release your attachment to pain, suffering, fear, doubt and separation and take the first step to generate this boundless love. Radiate your love without condition and through you humanity will finally come to know and experience what unconditional love truly is.

Embrace yourself and you embrace the universe. Be the cause of unconditional love and you light the way!

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Thinking With Our Heart by Harold Becker - August 17, 2007

YouTube Video version for Thinking With Our Heart Watch...

Dear Friends,

We are at a beautiful moment on this planet where a new world is being birthed based on integrity, dignity, harmony, peace and love. The most obvious signs that this is well underway is that everything is changing and nothing seems to make sense. In fact, in many ways it appears to be the total opposite of an emerging new world. We are witnessing lies, deceit, greed, extreme wealth and poverty, sickness, destruction, dis-ease, dis-honor, addictions, abuse, and environmental chaos, along with countless other named and unnamed calamities and certainly little evidence of peace or love. Yet appearances can be deceiving in themselves and what we see and perceive is only a tiny fragment of the bigger picture.

Over the past several years, one of the regularly recurring themes we encounter with The Love Foundation is that so many people we connect with are hopeful of a better world and at the same time they are sincerely troubled by the one they appear to be presently experiencing. They know in their hearts that life is not meant to be a struggle filled with so much fear and doubt, yet they find it difficult at times to reconcile the seeming chaos and atrocities that are bombarding them from every seeming angle internally and externally. What if we stepped back and set aside our endless judgment for a moment and looked at the bigger picture? What if we stepped into the realm of our heart and began to listen to its wisdom?

When we stop and truly and genuinely look around, what do we see and what are we really experiencing? What is our mental and emotional filter of life and how is this affecting our current perspective? Do we perceive our reality as an observer or are we still allowing ourselves to be caught up in the drama like a character actor in a play? If it is the latter, do we know how to shift our perspective to see a larger view and a greater whole? Is there a way that we can connect with the real peace and love that already exists within? Is unconditional love a key that unlocks this potential?

Our mind has been the thinker for millennia and now it is time to move our energy into the heart and begin to think from this vantage point. By expressing from the heart, we can do something different in our own lives to shift our experience and in turn, the reality around us. Coming from unconditional love, we move out of the duality and polarity of right and wrong, good and bad, and begin to share that which we already are... powerful, wise, loving and lovable beings of immense talent, creativity, compassion and strength. Not to mention, individuals filled with integrity, dignity, harmony, peace, and love.

Shifting from one reality to another always includes a phase where the old gives way to the new and this often takes on the momentary appearance of chaos, strife, the need to let go of the known and a courageous willingness to allow the new to manifest. Underlying this or any transition is the loving intelligence that guides us between worlds and emanates from our own heart. No matter what the appearance, the heart knows the bigger picture and from this grander perspective we can make a profound difference.

Make a choice today to suspend judgment and relax into what simply is. Let go of what you mentally think is going on and center your awareness in the heart. Be present in the now and experience the only moment that is real and tangible. Breathe. Allow. Be at peace and you will know peace. Share your unconditional love and the world will know love.

You are the one birthing this new world and I am honored to be in your presence.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Loving Unconditionally by Harold Becker - July 16, 2007

YouTube Video version for Loving Unconditionally Watch...

Dear Friends,

Perhaps the greatest awareness we can focus upon in our life is the wisdom of unconditional love. It is a simple choice each of us can make that leads to profound change and births a new reality within our present moment, the only moment we ever truly have. It is also a personal choice that affects our collective world in amazing ways by restoring the natural balance inherent in all things. Yet, what does it mean to love unconditionally?

For many years I have marveled how people respond when I mention these two words together - surprisingly, often heard or considered for the very first time. There is a vibration and acknowledgement that reverberates through the person's being in that particular moment that the single word "love" never achieves. Uttering and contemplating these combined words invokes meaning that is felt at our deepest level. It is a universal understanding of our core essence that knows beyond knowing and fills us instantly with understanding, compassion, joy and harmony. It is the "unconditional" aspect of the phrase that leads us into new territory that we rarely, if ever, consciously travel in our daily life.

Ironically, loving unconditionally is nothing more than a shift in our perspective since it is already within us. We bring it to the forefront when we decide to release the layers of guilt, shame, judgement, hatred, anger, worry, fear, doubt and other similar limiting beliefs we have allowed to fill our daily thoughts, feelings and routines. These limiting perspectives have no power other than what we give them through our attention. If we believe them to be true, they take on that energy to validate our creative expression. What happens if we choose to forgive and release them and place our attention on unconditional love instead?

Letting go of our attachment to conditioned responses frees us from our past and allows us to dwell in the realm of unconditional love where all things are possible. When we come to love ourselves without limit or condition, we easily view the world from this compassionate foundation and joyfully share our love to others without condition. This gives freedom to everyone and everything around us as we cease placing our limitations on them too. Think of the layers of limitation we have accepted over our lifetime alone and in turn, how many people we have affected. We can end this cycle by choosing a new way through self acceptance and unconditional love.

Heart-to-heart a new world is emerging as we once again recognize our potential to love unconditionally. Oh, there are still plenty of examples that appear less than loving, yet they are only our past limiting thoughts and feelings revealing themselves from a former time when we believed in a conditional life. Now we can love them as aspects of ourselves that reflect who we once were when we believed in limitation in a similar way.

Never before have so many responded to their own inner urge to shift their awareness from a fear-based reality to one of unconditional love. We are in the midst of the most profound time ever known upon this planet - the moment where we return to unconditional love and become that which we always were, divine beings of exquisite creative potential.

What will you choose? Can you love yourself so deeply and so freely that you see yourself in the eyes of another? Will you remember in each moment of your day that humanity is filled with individuals wanting to know what and where unconditional love really resides just like you once did? Show them through your strength and courage and release a wave of love that envelops each in a loving embrace from the heart.

Thank you for being the beautiful you that you are!

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - August 1, 2006

Dear Friends,

I come to you today with a reflection and reminder of how special, important and loved you are. I also come with encouragement and knowing that one by one and day by day we are building a new world together based on peace and love. Despite all outer appearances to the contrary, each of us is steadily remembering how to come from our heart with unconditional love which is altering the very course of humanity.

Funny thing about appearances, they are rarely what they appear to be. Our hearts and minds are opening and we are beginning to see beyond the immediate physical reality and world of effects only. We are realizing the causal nature of our thoughts and feelings as a manifestation of a long curious journey based on separation, lack, fear and doubt. Each limited personal thought and feeling we held in the past has added to the present conditions surrounding us. This also means that for each thought and feeling we presently hold in peace and unconditional love, we are creating a new journey and future filled with these qualities.

Amidst the seeming chaos, strife, arrogance and ignorance being played out locally and globally, we are coming face to face with perhaps the greatest opportunity ever presented to choose unconditional love as our personal and collective view and to finally recognize the entire human earth family as one. Never before have so many beings resided at one time on this planet with such diverse personal and cultural beliefs, understandings, conditioning, heritage, and.... potential.

Some 15 years ago I developed a rather different and perhaps unconventional definition for unconditional love and shared it in my first book, Internal Power - Seven Doorways to Self Discovery. Seeking a practical definition, I chose to understand and evolve each of the two words "unconditional" and "love" to their core essence of meaning. Then combining them into one idea I realized a useful insight for applying this profound perspective found in this unique combination of two words. My definition simply stated - "unconditional love is an unlimited way of being".

This definition doesn't necessarily speak to the typical expected response or popular collective understanding of most cultures. Instead it reveals something more important - the individual potential that resides within each of us every moment. It merely asks that we approach each moment with clarity and right perspective and recognize the vast unlimited possibilities to choose a new way of thinking and feeling.

Such a sense of profound love comes when we first forgive and accept ourselves for all our limiting beliefs, mistakes, judgments and misunderstandings and apply the "unconditional" to us personally. We recognize our self worth, value our talents, and allow our selves to be who we are rather than what we think others wish us to be. In turn, we naturally understand those around us and extend our helping hand without condition, judgment or expectation. We see ourselves in the reflection of another and know that everyone deserves to love and be loved without condition.

By embracing the present moment with openness we realize and know we have the solutions and answers already within us. We begin building a reality that is based on love, wisdom and power in perfect balance. For each step we take personally, we impact the world with this amazing energy of love.

Unconditional love turns hope into knowing in a collective reality that is often seen as hopeless or seemingly impossible to overcome. When you know something is possible you empower this to manifest with your very being. So know from now on that you are loved and loving and see how the world responds to your light and knowing. Watch how your peace and strength is sought out by others and how the limitless love you have to share is the love you receive in return.

You are all so amazing... thank you for your compassion, courage and vision to make this a better world for all of us.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Dear Friends by Harold W. Becker - August 5, 2005

Dear Friends,

I am writing to you for your personal contemplation. As the world is rapidly changing and there is once again a seeming increase in confusion, tension, polarity and fear, I would like to send a different message to each and every one of you recalling the potential to love unconditionally.

You already know that our vision at The Love Foundation is to "inspire people to love unconditionally" and it has been my personal journey to share a timeless and simple message that love is indeed possible. Well, the message now requires action by each of us to fully realize this potential. It is perhaps the most critical time we have yet encountered on the planet and it will take the personal strength of each to lift the world into a higher perspective in the coming days.

Behind the many evolving news headlines is a bigger movement attempting to encourage a level of fear and hopelessness to permeate our consciousness into believing that we must be afraid of everything and everyone. This not-so-subtle effort is hoped to keep people from realizing their personal potential to make a difference... and the TRUTH is you do! It only takes one to simply realize that love is more powerful than fear and the game is done.

Did I say it was easy? No, in fact, it may be one of the greatest challenges you may ever face. To discover and express love in the face of fear and doubt takes enormous courage and strength. Yet, I know clearly that you are up to the task.

This is no longer a time where we can sit idly by allowing our attention to become engrossed on the negative images and stories of others, or continue to live in our own fear, doubt and limitation. Look behind the headlines and images being projected. Then look within and understand why we allow doubt and fear to capture our imagination and release these emotional bonds to the past. When we can accept our ability to change our personal perspective, we change the outcome for all.

I encourage you to become an observer in the coming days and see where your thoughts and feelings are focused. By beginning with this first step, you will add to your awareness of love and affect people within your circle in an exponential and positive way. People thousands of miles away will instantly benefit by this love just because you were willing to go beyond your limited perspective to understand a bigger picture.

Thank you for considering my unusual and timely request. The earth awaits your next thought and feeling of love and forgiveness. Peace does prevail.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation Inc.



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