Special Messages

Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.

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The Joy of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted December 24, 2020

Awakening in Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted November 11, 2020

We Are Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted September 30, 2020

Expanding Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted August 14, 2020

Realizing Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted July 14, 2020

Embracing Our Humanity by Harold W. Becker - Posted June 6, 2020

Lovely Wellbeing by Harold W. Becker - Posted March 29, 2020

Ever-Present Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted February 6, 2020

The Clarity of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted January 1, 2020


The Joy of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted December 24, 2020

Harold W. Becker 2020-12-23Life is the most amazing adventure of self-discovery and creation. As a multidimensional presence, we are simply having a precious human adventure experiencing the sensuality of our earthly life. We are grand and magnificent beings using our creative attributes of thought and feeling to expand the very nature of life itself, while our innate and eternal essence is forever that of love. When we remain present and aware, we know this alignment with our true self as joy and imbue this expression in all we think, feel, say and do. The joy of love is the boundless knowing that we are a part of it all.

Our wellbeing is a naturally flowing river of energy that animates our bodies with each heartbeat and every breath, going wherever we direct it. The power of our intention, and subsequent attention, manifests what we desire and focus upon. The more we explore our imagination and allow ourselves to dream from the heart, the further we expand the boundaries of our personal and collective potential. Aligning with universal love assures that our creations are a benefit to all.

This exquisite planet provides an infinite palette for us to contemplate, imagine, realize and experience our lives in tangible ways. Every moment is an opportunity to explore the depths of our inner inspiration and simultaneously immerse ourselves in the sensory interpretation and vibrancy of life reflected within and around us. By design, we are here to enjoy the bounty, beauty and wonder of this marvelous orb.

Our mind is a fantastic repository of information, knowledge, memories and perspectives that strives to help us navigate this world. The power of thinking allows us to comprehend and make sense of our reality. However, it is in the heart of our being that we connect to a broader awareness that guides us ever-onward on our journey as a conscious creator. This is the source of our inspiration, intuition, and insights, infused with the feelings of unconditional compassion, kindness, generosity, harmony and peace. These vital traits, coupled with our practical application provided by the mind, become the wisdom that is necessary for a balanced approach to life.

Opening our hearts allows the intricacy, integrity and elegance of our reality to reveal itself. Enjoyment in life is as natural as breathing when we understand who we really are. As sentient beings of love, we are conscious of our presence in this exquisite cosmic dance of eternity with the brilliance of our love illuminating our path every step of the way.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
The Love Foundation

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We are grand and magnificent beings.-Harold W. Becker


Awakening in Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted November 11, 2020

Harold W. Becker 2020-11-05We all have the gifts of thought and feeling allowing us to manifest what we need and desire in the material world through our attention and focus. Our ideas, expressions and experiences continuously unfold our individual and collective journeys as we explore the very nature of our reality. Inspiring us at our core is the fundamental essence of universal love. This is the spark that ignites our imagination and the initial creative impulse that guides us ever forward. This is a magical and monumental time as we are awakening in love and consciously remembering ourselves as creator beings.

Capable of creating an infinite array of possibilities and potentials, we are becoming increasingly aware of our innate ability to choose what we want to experience. We are realizing we are not a product of our reality; rather we are the initiators of it. The opportunity to be on such an incredible, sensual and sensory adventure that this earth provides, is precisely why we are here. We are made of the same building blocks that comprise the cosmos and the earth, and, in turn, we get to form and experience our own creations accordingly. This has always been true, yet long ago, we allowed ourselves to focus outward at the expense of our inner connection to all that is.

As a result, through eons of time, we have gone through countless civilizations as a humanity. We discovered and settled the farthest reaches of our planet to immerse ourselves into every conceivable configuration that we could experience. As each epoch emerged, we evolved and became something more. Beginning new cycles and often eradicating previous ones, building cities upon cities, enduring advances and setbacks, all of this moved us forward in unique ways. Each era initiated fresh understandings of who we really are while illuminating our seemingly forgotten heart-centered potential.

Ultimately, experiencing this broad spectrum of contrast catapulted us to new heights of knowing our love and brought us into this present age of realization. As we begin to awaken, everything is now coming together to initiate a leap in our evolutionary cycle where we are conscious of love as an integral part of every moment and each choice. Aligning our awareness with love ensures that we will imbue our creations with compassion, peace, kindness, dignity and the many enduring qualities as we create from our heart with harm to none.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)

We are awakening in love.-Harold W. Becker


We Are Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted September 30, 2020

Harold W. Becker 2020-09-30We are all magnificent beings of love. Only the veil of beliefs we embrace masks our brilliance. At our core, we all share a cosmic connection that is the essence of love manifested in infinite ways. We are consciousness embodied in forms, exploring the depths of our imagination in a universal adventure to know and expand all that is. We know this intuitively. We feel this innately. It is who we are and, despite what our outer awareness may convey to the contrary, this truth touches our heart and illumines our soul.

At first, we may resist this grand view of ourselves. Even though it may resonate on the deepest level, our millennia of combined habits, beliefs and experiences, passed through countless generations, can seem absolute. We think of ourselves as less when we allow others to define us. In reality, we are consciousness evolving, both individually and collectively. At times, we can be so sure of our outer perspectives we engage in battle to maintain them. In other eras, we have an infusion of creativity that creates a renaissance of thought and feeling, catapulting us into new realms of potential.

Through these ebbs and flows, we continue to expand and evolve. When we carry the very best of our ideas forward, we flourish. However, when we become stalwart and stagnant with outmoded ideas, we stifle our progress and expansion. Eventually, with newer generations, we begin to flow again and reap the benefit of the previous experiences. When viewed from a broad perspective, there is never a good or bad, right or wrong, simply a flowing of our energy of love. The reality we perceive is infinitely more than we can ever take in. Given our limitations of senses, specific and often narrow focus, personal filters of beliefs, or perpetuating ingrained cultural traditions, we are always doing the best we know how to do, given where we are.

Timeless and eternal, unconditional love is the one universal constant that is present and intimately infused in every aspect of our lives. Love is what makes the most profound difference when we are consciously aware of it. When we allow it to flow through us as compassion, kindness, empathy, appreciation and respect, we lift the very nature of our reality to a higher dimensional level. We inspire and expand pure potential each time we choose to be a presence of love. This is who we are and why we are here on this journey of life.

The way forward is allowing this realization of love to permeate our conscious awareness in every moment. The more we engage love as the foundation of our lives, the greater we will expand our reality where everyone benefits from this vast horizon of potentiality. By accepting ourselves unconditionally and approaching each moment in the same way, we give birth to an ever-brighter world. We are the ones we have looked for over the eons. We are the love we seek. We are the love we are.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

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We are all magnificent beings of love.-Harold W. Becker


Expanding Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted August 14, 2020

Harold W. Becker 2020-08-12Our magnificence is the most amazing life secret hidden in plain sight, simply awaiting our conscious recognition. Each of us are brilliant creator beings endowed with all the necessary attributes to formulate dreams and manifest them. We are animated with love and capable of expressing the fullness of our potential with every thought, feeling, word, and deed. Sharing the atomic elements delivered from the stars, we intimately interconnect with every particle of life on our precious planet and beyond. More than just an individual amalgamation of cells comprising a body, we are living, thriving and miraculous contributors to the expansion of life itself.

We are forever continuing to evolve, grow and transform our world through each thought and choice we make and action we take. It is through our thoughts, feelings, desires and intentions that we set the primordial forces into motion that bring together our personal and collective reality. Tuning within to our heart, we infuse our choices with kindness, compassion, generosity and benevolence. Knowing that life is always flowing to us and through us, we align with our inner wisdom and create beauty and harmony in all we do. This is our true nature and purest potential.

The corporeal world we are here to enjoy and play in also gives us the illusion that we are somehow separate from it. In this intricate dance of life, the material aspect feels so solid and real that we tend to identify and rely upon it. Over time, we came to believe the external reality we are interacting with is mightier than our imaginative capacity to create consciously.

Sharing our individual stories and perspectives with one another, we took on each other?s views and interpretations of experiences as if they were our own. Passing these stories along through countless generations, we frequently and unwittingly built limiting narratives around the actions and reactions of past expressions, steadily diminishing our innate brilliance. These eventually morphed into a collective consensus of many constricting and conflicting cultural ideals, beliefs and attitudes, never realizing we personally have the power to create our own experience anew in each moment.

We qualify the energy of life with our intentions through our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and habits. When we are present in the moment and aware of our inherent love, we are proactive and imbue our imagination and creations in uplifting, positive and inspiring ways. Our heart-centered approach benefits all, allowing life to continue to expand.

When we feel separate from the whole, we are reactive to outer conditions, suggestions and appearances. In turn, our actions tend to constrict our energy flow, using our imagination in negative and potentially destructive ways. We express these limitations as greed, hate, envy, bigotry, anger, lust, and the like. There is value in this contrast as it affords us the opportunity to become keenly aware of where we are personally focusing our attention, and whether we are filling our imagination with fear or love.

It is time to remember just how precious and grand we are. Joy is our birthright and love is our journey. As a presence of love, we are here to expand life in infinite ways.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

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It is time to remember just how precious and grand we are.-Harold W. Becker


Realizing Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted July 14, 2020

Harold W. Becker 2020-07-14The journey of our lives is a magnificent unfolding story of love. Conceived in the cosmos, the life-giving building blocks scattered and formed over eons of time setting the stage for our grand adventure on this beautiful planet. From ancient moments to the present, everything within and around us is part of a brilliant expression of expanding love. Our bodies come from the same materials as the heavens, while it is our conscious awareness of love that is the basis of our true and timeless expression. Through every song of laughter and each lost tear, love is who we are and why we are here.

The gifts of imagination and willpower are our greatest treasure. These are the initial creative elements that allow us to dream what is possible and the ability to make things manifest here in tangible form. Inspiration and intuition are the beginning seeds of worlds yet to be born and experiences soon to be had. Through our capacity to think and feel, focus our attention and our desire, we can make the seeming impossible become a part of our reality. This is the fundamental basis of our individual and collective narrative ? we are the ones writing our stories personally and together.

The ability to create consciously in this way is beyond amazing. The earth provides everything necessary for us to flourish and in turn, we get to express our diverse creative capacity to mold formless ideas into form. When we know ourselves as creator beings, we acknowledge the same in one another and our unique expressions enhance the experience for all.

Alas, long ago we became more enamored with our outer forms than the process of creation itself and slowly and steadily tipped the balance where we began to covet our creations. We endeavored to identify and own our reality rather than recall our innate essence as a creator. We allowed the intellect of thought to supersede the feelings of the heart. Our willpower became the dominant force and the more we reacted to conditions, the less we consciously engaged our inner sanctum of imagination where infinite potential abounds. Generation upon generation, we unwittingly filled chapters with limitation, greed, dominance and control.

Life always seeks balance and we are re-awakening to the heart-centered energy that never left. Dimmed however never extinguished, our spark of love is growing brighter and we are feeling our connection to life and to each other once again. Compassion and kindness are emerging as the next natural and vital chapters in our combined stories. When we infuse these energies in our intentions, our daily dialogue and thoughtful interactions become fresh story lines that will inspire children through many ages to come. We are realizing love is what truly matters in our world.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

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Our spark of love is growing brighter and we are feeling our connection to life.-Harold W. Becker

Embracing Our Humanity by Harold W. Becker - Posted June 6, 2020

Harold W Becker 2020-06-05We laugh, we cry, we breathe, we sleep, we think, we feel, we discover. We come in all shapes and sizes, in a variety of colors and configurations, attitudes and perceptions. We celebrate birth and grieve departure. We have desires and dreams, achievements and disappointments. We explore our imagination and we engage our will. We build, and at times, destroy. We are all brilliant creator beings having a human experience and together we are humanity. We are love expressing more love in an ever-expanding awareness of our innate magnificence, both as ourselves and as a whole. When we embrace the love we are, we embrace our humanity with this same love.

Filled with amazing potential, we are born into a family, community, culture and geographical region upon this beautiful planet. From the moment we arrive, we embark upon an adventure of a lifetime and begin exploring everything this precious reality has to offer. Our bodies begin to develop and mature and our awareness starts to grow as we absorb insights, experience and wisdom from everything and everyone around us. When we are in harmony with life, our heart is our intuitive guide while our mind helps us navigate our daily journey.

Although we perceive life to be solid and static, it is an always-evolving vibrational expression. From the corporeal aspect of our bodies to the changing rhythms of the earth, everything physical is dynamic, fluid and in motion. So are our thoughts and feelings, observations and beliefs. Change is constant. Diversity is inherent in every aspect of nature along with us humans. It is through contrast and interaction that we expand and evolve into greater awareness and consciousness. Individually and together, we learn and flourish through our many experiences and encounters.

With life being in constant transformation, our minds long ago endeavored to create a sense of greater stability in an effort to protect us and make sense of our transient world. This was at the expense of our intuitive wisdom and connection with our loving heart. This imbalance throws us out of our natural state of harmony and as a result, we perceive ourselves separate from the whole, which is an illusion. This leads to doubt, fear, and limitation handed down through countless generations as control, envy, greed, competition, pride and the like.

Thankfully, since our timeless foundation is eternally vibrating in love, we are able to transcend the erroneous limitations we may have accepted. Opening our hearts and minds, we awaken once again to our innate unconditional love. We easily restore our true understanding that we are all majestic beings experiencing life in our own unique ways on this spectacular orb. Knowing this, we joyfully share our kindness and compassion, respect and wisdom with one another. By embracing our humanity, we benefit from the diverse collective expressions while enjoying our own journey of love along the way.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

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When we embrace the love we are, we embrace our humanity.-Harold W. Becker

Lovely Wellbeing by Harold W. Becker - Posted March 29, 2020

Harold W. Becker 2020-03-14In our innermost nature, we are intuitively aware that we are loved, lovable and loving. This intrinsic aspect of our consciousness is the foundation of our reality that also permeates the fabric of our lives. Even when we stray far away into perspectives that seem completely contrary to this, we can consciously connect to this most basic of understandings that we are love. When we do, we instantly feel solace, grace, gratitude and peace. This is our eternal union with love and is the wellspring of our wellbeing.

With an open heart, our alignment with love is as easy as breathing. We simply know love is always present within us. Closer to us than even our thoughts and feelings, this energy animates us in the most profound way and is the source of all possibilities we can ever imagine. The design of life itself is in harmony with the rhythm of love. From the basic atomic and subatomic particles that make up everything from the cosmos to our own bodies, to the cycles of life that influence our earth and our personal lives, we are provided everything necessary to unfold our potential in the grandest of ways.

When we are in tune with our core essence, love flows easily in and around us and we experience its presence as joy and appreciation for all that we are. It stimulates us to be aware of the moment and to trust our wisdom and creative capacity. Our physical bodies abound with health and vitality and our mental and emotional bodies are calm, serene and filled with clarity. We are the embodiment of love in a tangible way and make a powerful, positive difference everywhere we go and with all we encounter.

Wellbeing is an innate part of us, yet through our attention, we have the choice to let this energy flow effortlessly or to restrict it. We impede the energy each time we react or respond to an outer condition or experience with a negative or limiting perception. When we think and feel the energies of fear, anxiousness, doubt, shame, worry, guilt, or anger, for example, it is our indication that we are veering away from our loving self and the present moment. The more we maintain our focus on these lower and denser perspectives, the greater dis-ease we feel with life. Becoming aware of these reactionary energies is our opportunity to be present with ourselves and acknowledge the larger facet of us that is love.

We are magnificent beings capable of transforming ourselves anew every moment. Life experience is our reflection and each feeling is an indicator as to where we are placing our attention. Whether love or anything less than love, we decide how we wish to perceive our experiences. Our lovely wellbeing forever abounds in the here and now.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

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Our lovely wellbeing forever abounds in the here and now.-Harold W. Becker

Ever-Present Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted February 6, 2020

Harold W. Becker 2020-02-06Life, from the subatomic particles to the infinitely vast cosmos of all known substance, connects together in an intricate dance of love. The beautiful planet we live upon is an extraordinary, always changing, and amazingly diverse amalgamation of all her kingdoms. Each kingdom has an infinite composition of matter and potential that naturally interconnects and supports the other kingdoms. In a similar fashion, yet on increasingly larger scales, our earth is an interdependent part of our solar system that spirals in an even grander dance with our own galaxy among countless galaxies. Everything works in brilliant harmony to provide the heartbeat of our lives so that we may personally explore and expand life itself.

From the vantage of bigger and broader perspectives, we can easily tune into the intimate connection and presence of love that is forever a part of us. Our hearts readily make this association to all that is, while our minds often consider this intangible and ethereal connection a contradiction to the outer known, tangible reality that is familiar. Yet, when we look into the night and witness the limitless number of stars light-years away or peer into a microscope revealing the endless facets to the forms we interact with every day, unity becomes intuitively and palpably obvious in the larger context. We simply realize and remember there is so much more beyond the sensory interpretation of our immediate reality.

Why ascribe this unifying energy as love? The awareness of love is the closest we come in objectifying our understanding of this ubiquitous presence we feel in our heart. We experience aspects of love in numerous ways throughout our lives and innately know that it is the most exquisite feeling we ever experience. It may be as family interactions of parents and children, for example, deep bonds of friendship with others, a physiological interaction with another, or participating in a compassionate and kind expression in some way. We may immerse ourselves in a satisfying activity, enjoy an uplifting melody, release a burst of laughter, or perhaps have a moment of intense clarity and union with the world around us. Each of these remind us that there is an energy present that we identify with as the essence and experience of love.

In this same way, we acknowledge that the magnificent intricacy that creates our very existence includes the presence of love. Innumerable timeless and cosmic components come together to form this particular moment that nothing less than love could orchestrate its manifestation. We comprehend we are a unique and integral element of this creation with the powerful attribute of conscious awareness. Through our self-awareness, we can consciously embody love so that we may share it through our imaginative creations expanding the very life force of love.

Our experiences and daily interactions can capture our attention at times and cause us to believe for a while that what is before us is all that really exists. By stepping beyond the immediate experience, whether through a deep breath, a meditative moment, or a conscious expansion of our perspective on a situation, we restore our connection to our essential creative selves. It is in these moments where love reveals itself, reminding us of our greater truth. As a presence of love, we are aware that love is ever-present and flowing through us by our choice.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

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As a presence of love, we are aware that love is ever-present.-Harold W. Becker


The Clarity of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted January 1, 2020

Harold W. Becker 2020-01-01Woven into the fabric of life is the unifying love that creates worlds and animates the essence of our being. As humans, we are embodied aspects of this same creative force. Gifted with self-conscious awareness and the innate ability of a limitless imagination, we expand creation itself through our thoughts and feelings. While our earth provides the necessary components so that we may explore our unique and personal potential, it is our conscious presence of love that is our real contribution to life.

Love illuminates. It brings lucidity, reason, rejuvenation, inspiration and understanding whenever we engage it. Our intuition, senses and experiences in life are heightened in all ways when we are naturally aware of love as part of our corporeality. Everything in life is sweeter and filled with grace and ease with the simple infusion and inclusion of love.

Although forever present, we seemingly have forgotten that love is who we are at the core of our being. In this amazing world where so many diverse elements come together to make up our physical reality, it is easy to realize how, over time, we unknowingly trained our attention to our external materiality. In the same way, as we turn our focus within, we restore love once again into our everyday lives.

Since love is interlaced within every moment, it is easy to bring it forth by our choice. In each circumstance, we can allow love to become fully present within our awareness. Just as sunlight illumines our day and reveals everything with clearness, love refreshes whatever is before us, providing a richer and vaster perspective. It instantly brightens and lightens any experience and introduces potentials not realized a moment before. Love nourishes, heals and renews in that instant.

Love dissolves discord, limitation and misguided perceptions in any situation. Like the lifting of a heavy fog, when we radiate love, our expressions of compassion and kindness transform the very essence of the experience for ourselves and everyone else. We rediscover and reclaim the love that is always present. This is the clarity of love.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

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Love refreshes whatever is befor us.-Harold W. Becker




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