Special Messages

Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.

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Harmony and Love by Harold Becker - November 21, 2009

Embracing the Divine Masculine by Harold Becker - October 15, 2009

Loving Peace by Harold Becker - September 21, 2009

Beautiful and Courageous You by Harold Becker - September 1, 2009

The Heart of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - August 14, 2009

Trust Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - July 15, 2009

Allow Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - June 18, 2009

Freedom to Love by Harold Becker - May 28, 2009

Intimate and Infinite Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - April 16, 2009

Embracing Change with Love by Harold Becker - March 20, 2009

The Renaissance of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - February 12, 2009


Harmony and Love by Harold Becker - November 21, 2009

YouTube Video version for Harmony and Love Watch...

Dear Friends,

Maintaining harmony under all circumstances is the key to navigating through life. By remaining calm and composed in each moment, we keep life in perspective. We are able to connect with the bigger picture of potential while sorting out appropriate courses of action to address any situation before us. We can release our attachments and reactions knowing that they are only a small part of the experience. Harmony reveals the presence of love.

Life is an ever changing landscape of experiences and potential. Even the most seemingly static aspects of physical matter continue to shift, evolve and transform. Whether simply as the dance of sunlight as it travels across the earth, a boulder slowly becoming a pebble in a meandering creek, or a cell replicating itself, change is constant. Our awareness is ever changing and evolving too as we expand our mental and emotional capacity to incorporate broader understandings and perspectives.

As self conscious beings, we get to play within this entire context. Our ability to conceive of something new allows our creative nature to manifest and add a dimension of love and appreciation to life itself. When we are consciously aware of our creative ability, we can choose our perspectives and therefore qualify and infuse our thoughts and feelings with our greatest hopes and dreams. We realize with each breath we are connected to all of creation and proceed in a grand alignment of our heart and mind. We manifest the potentials that reflect our wisdom and deepest desires. We are in harmony with life because we know we are an integral part of it.

If we forget our creative capacity however, we become reactionary to the forces around us. We become singular and separate and begin to doubt our dreams. We replace our hopes and desires with feelings of fear and worry and start to see problems rather than opportunities. This disconnect is a result of relying on outer circumstances instead of our source of inner wisdom and imagination. The more we focus externally, the more challenging life becomes.

When we remain harmonious, wisdom flows in from the heart and dispels any doubt or fear. This allows us to come up with creative solutions and imaginative ways to expand beyond the perceived problem by embracing the opportunity with love. We give ourselves the chance to change our limited perspective and find new ways to express our unlimited potential. It is through harmony in our feelings and thoughts that we are able to experience unconditional love.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Embracing the Divine Masculine by Harold Becker - October 15, 2009

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Dear Friends,

Life is a beautiful interplay of imagination and manifestation. Known in other ways as feeling and thought, feminine and masculine, yin yang, each requires and adds to the other. In an amazing dance that allows us to create and recreate our world, these energies continuously merge into each other to form a union that brings wholeness to our expression. Inspiration held with determination is what creates our physical experience and when this process is conscious and balanced, great manifestations result that benefit all.

Identified simply as our feminine and masculine aspects, these forces combine to make up our innate creative potential. Although often exemplified by our gender, we must take care not to confuse this strictly with being male or female. Both of these potent energies are a natural part of each of us and provide the very mechanism for our ability to exist. They are our right and left brain functioning as one, with love and logic in perfect harmony.

For millennia, cultures have held a fundamental focus and tendency towards the masculine aspect having dominion, where physical manifestation is at the cost of suppressing our intuitive, holistic, and imaginative, feminine energy. This ongoing and increasing imbalance has formed a great rift from our once splendid ability to create with wisdom, universal vision and magnificence.

Thus we find many men using their will to make things materialize regardless of cost to the whole, while subordinating their feminine equal into roles that ignore and trivialize the nurturing and imaginative aspects so vital to life. Likewise, many women deny their ability to fully realize their creations in manifest form and perpetuate the dilemma of subservience to male domination.

In recent times, we have born witness to a re-awakening of the feminine energy. For many females, this has been a necessary reclaiming of their "goddess" energy or divine feminine, which in reality is their embracing the fullness of both aspects essential to manifest, including the masculine will. In men, however, we often find confusion and frustration as this loving energy begins to percolate throughout their existence. They are beginning to feel once again, and yet with so few examples as to what this means, there is a tendency to remain in the only perspective they have known for so long.

Life always seeks balance. With an increasing awareness of cause and effect, we are quickly seeing that what happens in one part of the world instantly affects the whole just as our thoughts and feelings work together in our personal experience. We are coming to realize that it is up to each of us to embrace our true creative potential and ensure that we balance the feminine with the masculine. Nowhere is this more evident than with the men who have been constantly using their unbridled will without regard to consequences.

It is time for the divine masculine to emerge through love. What does this mean? It is a wake up call for each to embody their highest potential of masculine energy. Rather than perpetuating an imbalanced approach to creation that ultimately leads to destruction and chaos, it is our distinct opportunity to embrace and express our integrity, honesty, dignity and compassion. It is allowing the rising feminine energy to blend with our masculine to make enlightened and loving choices. By consciously acknowledging and incorporating our imagination, intuition and feelings, with courage, strength, and an open heart, we birth a new world where love, wisdom and power are always in balance.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Loving Peace by Harold Becker - September 21, 2009

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Dear Friends,

It is in the stillness of our heart that we find the peace we seek in the world. It is the connection deep within to the very source of our being where we recognize the oneness of life. It is here that we transcend the duality of perceived right and wrong thinking, judgment, control and attachment. In this awareness, we let go of the need to have the world behave according to our preconceived expectations and we dare to love unconditionally. We embrace love for love's sake and in doing so, we also experience peace.

To know unconditional love is to know peace. When we love without condition, we naturally engage the dynamic quality of peace and allow this energy to permeate our outer experience as well. We balance the inner and outer reflections with a grander perspective that sees beyond the obvious before us. We know we are simply experiencing life from our unique viewpoint in the moment and we have the power to choose love and peace.

Although many assume peace to be quiescent, idle and quiet, it is truly an energy that is vibrant and alive. It is colorful, engaging and encouraging. It is filled with potential and enhances our creativity. It calls to us to explore without limitation and to express ourselves with a distinct sense of freedom. Peace is also something we easily share as it is in limitless supply. We joyfully convey it to others and witness its expansion in ever growing waves.

Peace begins with us. It has always been this way. The more we express our love, the greater our sense of peace. The more peace we radiate, the more profoundly we comprehend the sublime beauty it reveals. Since love and peace already exist as a state of consciousness within us, it ensures that it will become our collective reality.

Peace prevails in you and in me. Together, we are the establishment of peace on earth.
Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Beautiful and Courageous You by Harold Becker - September 1, 2009

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Dear Friends,

You are a wonderfully divine expression of all that is good. You are the hope of the world because you carry hope in your heart. You dream of a better life for yourself and others because you know that it is possible. You have come here for this very purpose - to add your distinctive thread to the tapestry of life. As you unfold your potential and weave your story into this intricate fabric, everything becomes more beautiful.

Your personal insight and wisdom is essential in determining the next step in our collective evolution. Each rhythmic heart beat sounds your unique tone of love just as every imaginative thought you have reveals your creative essence. With every breath, love itself is animated and made real through you. Your very presence makes a profound difference on this earth and is a gift beyond measure. Nothing would be the same without you.

As you generously share the love in your heart, you are naturally fulfilling your destiny. It is the unconditional kindness you show towards yourself and others that makes love tangible. Your smiles and laughter bring lightness to the journey that would never be possible without you being present within it. You add a dimension that can never be replaced by any other part of life.

Each step you take is a courageous choice to explore the unknown. Your strength to move forward and discover potentials yet to come is felt by everyone. Others follow your lead to realize their own abilities, and together new pathways of possibility are opened to benefit all. Your light shines the way.

Your genuine compassion is the signal that love is manifesting in great abundance and that an age of grand and delightful expression is here. The trust you have for this potential is the reason it is happening and even possible. Could you ever imagine that this age of beauty we are entering into is all because of you?

You are precious and the world rejoices knowing you have come to share your love at this most auspicious time.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker

Valiente y bello eres

By Harold Becker

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Valiente y bello eres

Eres una maravillosa expresi?n divina de todo lo que es bueno. Eres la esperanza del mundo, porque llevas contigo la esperanza en tu coraz?n. Sue?as una vida mejor para ti y para los dem?s porque sabes que eso es posible. Has venido aqu? precisamente con este prop?sito - contribuir con tu hilo personal al tapiz de la vida. Al tiempo que vas descubriendo todo tu potencial y tejes tu historia en esta tupida tela, todo se vuelve m?s bello. 

Tu intuici?n personal y tu sabidur?a son esenciales para determinar el siguiente paso en nuestra evoluci?n colectiva. Cada latido r?tmico de tu coraz?n emite tu tono ?nico del amor, as? como cada pensamiento imaginativo revela tu esencia creativa. Con cada inspiraci?n, el amor cobra vida y se hace realidad a trav?s de ti. Tu presencia marca una diferencia profunda en la Tierra y es un regalo inmenso. Nada ser?a lo mismo sin ti. 

Compartiendo generosamente el amor en tu coraz?n, cumples naturalmente tu destino. Tu bondad incondicional hacia ti mismo y hacia los dem?s es la manifestaci?n tangible del amor. Tu sonrisa y tus risas aligeran este viaje, que no ser?a posible sin ti. Aportas una dimensi?n que ning?n otro aspecto de la vida podr?a nunca sustituir.  

Cada paso que das es una decisi?n valiente para explorar lo desconocido. Todos sienten tu fuerza para avanzar y descubrir las posibilidades que llegar?n. Otros siguen tu ejemplo y toman conciencia de sus propias habilidades, y juntos, abr?s nuevas posibilidades en beneficio de todos. Tu luz ilumina el camino. 

Tu genuina compasi?n es la se?al de que el amor se manifiesta en abundancia, y de que ya est? aqu? una era de maravillosa expresi?n. Tu confianza en todo este potencial es justamente lo que lo hace posible, la raz?n de que ya est? ocurriendo.  ?Te das cuenta de que esta bella era en la que estamos entrando tambi?n nace de ti? 

Eres lo m?s valios@, y el mundo se regocija sabiendo que has venido a compartir tu amor en este maravilloso momento. 

Amor, luz y paz, 
Harold W. Becker 

Presidente y Fundador 



The Heart of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - August 14, 2009

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From the laughter of children at play to the golden rays of the sun beaming through the sky at sunset, the eternal song of love permeates all creation. Each beat of our heart pulses to this rhythm in a majestic and graceful dance connecting us to everyone and everything. Life is magnificent when we quiet our outer selves and become fully present and aware of our own loving essence.

To know this grander love is to go beyond the sensation of a first kiss or a mother's tender touch in time of need. Although these extraordinary expressions reveal the existence of love, there is so much more. This universal love is unconditional and its very presence ignites our passion and our compassion. It breathes life into our being and sustains us. It encourages and illuminates the infinite possibilities while simultaneously providing all that we require to be alive.

It is our heart center that gently nudges us to know and express love in all that we are. However this does not always come easily. Through eons of time, the conditioning by our mind to seek logic and reasoning in our daily affairs has left little trust in the wisdom of the heart. Learning to once again cultivate our intuition, be intimate with our own unique understanding of love, and to feel this love deeply, takes both courage and strength.

Unconditional love is our consistent source of nurturing, inspiration and potential. Interestingly, we often seek the beauty of nature for its extraordinary ability to be in constant change while ever expressing its interconnected uniqueness. This is what captivates and also reminds us of our own innate capacity to do the same. Nature has the ability to cycle, recycle, adapt, reclaim and reinvent itself over and over by simply fulfilling its distinctive purpose with love for all.

When we allow unconditional love to be our personal guiding intention, our energy flows in the same manner. We stay present in the moment and share our love without reservation or hesitation. We change, evolve, expand and express our creativity in new ways ensuring that it benefits the whole. In this way, life itself evolves through each of us.

You are the heart of unconditional love. What you choose, we all experience.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Trust Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - July 15, 2009

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Dear Friends,
We are at a wonderful crossroads of potential right now on our precious planet. For the first time in our collective history, we are capable and prepared to dream a different possibility for earth and all her many life forms. We have within us the balance of love, wisdom and power to bring forth a new reality filled with peace, health, harmony, abundance and genuine joy. Such is the influence we wield in our personal and shared lives.

The challenge we face is the inertia to the path of least resistance, otherwise known as giving in to fear. For millennia, we have chosen this easier route of succumbing to our fearful thoughts and feelings rather than embracing our ability to love unconditionally. Fear, being the mask we wear to cover our self-doubt as creative beings, has led us through innumerable difficulties, traumas and dramas. This seemingly simpler choice has also brought us to the apex of our adventure which is illustrated by our current outward global crisis and individual destructive chaos.

The present circumstances may appear to be dire and at times, almost impossible to overcome. That is what fear creates - the illusion that nothing is possible and that our ability to imagine a different outcome is of no consequence. Each time we embrace our doubt and step into fear, we strengthen its hold upon us and allow it to become our perspective of reality.

There is another choice that beckons to us in each moment too, and it is filled with infinite potential. It is a quieter and more subtle opportunity that is most often ignored because it necessitates being present in the moment with an acceptance of our true nature as self responsible creative beings. It requires courage, strength and determination to delve into our heart, know the divine bond that connects us to all sentient life, and allow our expression to be one of compassion and understanding.

In the beginning, it takes more effort to choose love over fear since we must first overcome our initial reaction to whatever is before us and release the doubt and fear we previously engaged and encouraged. With a deep breath and a sincere willingness, we then allow love to be our guiding intention through our thoughts and feelings. As we learn to trust unconditional love, we experience how this tangible, immutable power steadily brings all things into balance and harmony.
Ultimately, unconditional love becomes the natural path.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Allow Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - June 18, 2009

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Dear Friends,

There is such beauty and potential that surrounds us every moment. We can take notice of our rhythmic breathing and how this simple process nourishes every cell, gaze up at the sun and realize how it too is supporting our existence, or we can go within into our imagination and appreciate the power we wield to generate new tomorrows. Wherever we choose to put our attention, it is ultimately our perspective and personal interpretation that determines the nature of our experience.

Each of us is a marvelous being of immense creativity within a vibrant planet that sustains and provides for our every need. We have innate wisdom, unbridled courage, amazing strength, audacious faith, incredible bravery and astounding talents ever waiting to express in each moment. Yet, our greatest challenge is that we have forgotten the simplest of treasures - an open heart.

According to our unique circumstances and personal self awareness, we either ignore or ignite our compassionate understanding that all life is precious. We may be born into environments, accept beliefs, and experience conditions that easily limit our perspectives or even suppress our deepest truth; however nothing ultimately stands in our way to love unconditionally.

We can allow unconditional love to be our choice and personal perspective. Since it is already present in every moment, we merely place our attention on our heart and let the love flow. We can release the suggestions, layers and conditions that we have permitted to limit our reality. Whether we assume a grievance towards another for example, or generate criticism for self, we can let go through forgiveness and acceptance. It can be that easy and we do not need to wait for anyone else to do it for us.

Perhaps we have been expecting the world to change and somehow make our lives easier, never realizing that it simply reflects our individual and collective thoughts and feelings. If our world presently appears hardened and closed off, filled with strife, greed, fear, hatred, guilt, shame or doubt, let us be the first to share the love from our heart. Let us interpret our personal perspective from the bigger picture of unconditional love.

One person does make a difference and together we transform our planetary expression into the reflection of our divine birthright to live in peace, happiness, harmony and an abundance of love for all.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Freedom to Love by Harold Becker - May 28, 2009

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Dear Friends,

We are born into this world with limitless potential, unbridled creativity and the capacity to love without measure. Long before our first breath we are a part of something grand and have an infinite array of options before us. Not only is our birth a miracle of amazing proportions, we continue to develop throughout life from that first cell with every option, path and possibility built right in. Who and what we become is up to the choices we make over the span of our lifetime.

The beauty of life is that we can always change our perspective. We are free to choose what we wish to believe, and with courage, we can chart our own course in life. It is true that many different ideas, circumstances and conditions can influence what direction we go in, yet none of them are absolute determiners of our journey - we are. Many may attempt to dictate what we should think and feel in the present moment or suggest their limited notions for our future. We know in the quiet recess of our inner sanctuary what we wish to create for ourselves.

Our incredible potential is in our ability to imagine a variety of different realities and our corresponding willpower to make them manifest for us. It is our personal thoughts and feelings that we need to pay attention to, not just our outer reality. Going within and connecting to our love and wisdom is how we learn to trust and believe in ourselves and our ability to create our dreams. It is our freedom to love that can never be taken away from us.

In each breath we begin again. Every moment we are capable of a new thought, a fresh feeling of joy and a world filled with opportunities that know no limit or bounds. These are the same choices we wish for everyone else as we understand the universal nature of our eternal bond with one another. We know we are but a cell in the body of humanity with the potential to fulfill a collective dream too. What we dream for ourselves we dream for our world.

Never underestimate your brilliance to make this a better world for yourself and all of us around you.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Intimate and Infinite Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - April 16, 2009

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Dear Friends,

Life is such a wonderful journey when we allow it to be filled with love. From the intimate focus within each breath to the infinite expansion of a starlit night, we are all part of this miraculous and magnificent adventure. Our bodies are the vehicle in which our senses experience the changes of the seasons and the rhythms of our heartbeat, while our greater consciousness allows us to connect to the universal love that weaves its way through all creation.

When we are fully present with ourselves and our surroundings, everything and everyone is precious and each experience is embraced as an expression of love. When we take life for granted however, and allow our traditions, attachments, habits and routines to establish themselves, we draw a veil of separation that cuts off our natural conscious connection to life. We begin to ignore the simplest treasures that abound all around us and instead seek to create a false sense of love in our attachments to outer things, people and circumstances. Eventually we doubt that love even exists and we begin to react to life with fear.

Yet, like a rainbow that appears during a storm to remind us that the sun is still shining above the clouds, love is eternally present and merely awaits our acknowledgement. We need only take a deep breath and realize that we are already a part of this enduring love. It instantly pervades our awareness, washes away any remnants of doubt and fear, and illuminates the possibilities and potentials right before us.

Life is grand when we desire to actively participate with it through unconditional love. When we are intimate with life, it becomes infinite in its expression. Even if the storms may come from time to time, it is only an indication that we momentarily forgot that love is present. They will soon pass and we can once again express the love in our heart and experience the beauty that is life.

In a world presently filled with many clouds and potential storms, thank you for being the rainbow to let others know that love is always here.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Embracing Change with Love by Harold Becker - March 20, 2009

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Dear Friends,

We are such amazing beings of infinite capacity and potential. Our boundless imagination, coupled with our wondrous will, allows us to bring our ideas into outer reality. Through our thoughts and feelings, we can literally create and experience that which we dream of in our heart of hearts. With patience and trust we manifest whatever we truly seek to experience on this grand adventure.

Whether we realize it or not, we create this way every moment. Yet, so often we become mired in habit and routine and stop being present with our imagination and the wisdom of our heart. Instead, we allow outmoded and outdated beliefs to take over rather than being aware of our creative choice. The unquestioned stream of mental thoughts, subtle notions of our emotional disposition, and very often, the outer suggestions of others, begin to dictate our identity, our actions and reactions.

That is, until something comes along to awaken us. This is frequently in the form of an accident, illness, unexpected event or circumstances that instantly disrupts our routine. If we are deeply rooted in habit, mentally or emotionally focused in the past or future, or simply unaware of our own creative spirit, this experience is usually met with great resistance and defiance by our outer personality or ego. The defenses, justification, victimhood and righteousness are often our immediate reaction to the fear and doubt that comes instantly to the surface. We become afraid of the change that has already happened.

How would our lives be different if we chose to be present in each moment knowing that change is constant and the very nature of life itself? What would happen if we actually embraced change as a wonderful opportunity to restore our creative capacity and begin anew with love?

Life is fluid, expansive and recreating itself every moment; we need only pay attention to the natural world to realize this. From the cycle of the seasons to the ever flowing rivers, the ceaseless life giving energy of the sun, the acorn becoming the mighty oak, or the rhythmic pulse of our own heartbeat, nature understands and embraces change. No two moments are exactly the same and love is forever present.

Always remember who you are - a beautiful and outrageously creative being capable of manifesting a world filled with peace, joy and unconditional love. Now is the perfect moment to imagine a new potential and choose it for yourself and the world around you.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



The Renaissance of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - February 12, 2009

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Dear Friends,

In these amazing moments upon our planet something extraordinary is happening - we are once again awakening to unconditional love. This divine love is stirring in the very depths of our being and calling to us through our hearts. We are finally listening to these subtle whispers and paying attention to our intuitive wisdom. We are turning within and beginning to question our very notion of reality. These are the signs that unconditional love is returning rapidly to our conscious awareness.

Our ability to love and be loved has always been our natural state and eternal heritage. Yet through eons of time, we have drawn our attention away to the outer world of our experiences and gradually forgotten this love at the core of our being. By allowing our attention to become fixed upon outer conditions, circumstances and events, we separated ourselves from our own potential and source of life. In an attempt to understand this separation, and our newfound inability to experience the love that we knew we were, we gave rise to the notion of fear. This perception of fear was really our personal doubt that we could ever love unconditionally again.

The time has come to reclaim our innate love. It is our renaissance of unconditional love. This is who we are. We can love so absolutely and so unbelievably that anything less than love simply dissolves into more love. Oh yes, it is indeed possible. It has been a long time since we loved so beautifully, so gracefully and so powerfully that we may be surprised when our heart expands to encompass this rebirth of our own choosing.

Breathe it in and allow yourself to be who you are. Let go of all the limitations of the past, the outmoded and outdated memories of times gone by, and embrace the potential that you came here to express. Be the one who does it first. Show others that love was never meant to be limited to physiological, mental and emotional constraints, rather it is here to express boldly and without conditions. Take the first step today and create a new reality where unconditional love is the beginning, middle and end in all you do and the world will begin to reflect your love.

From my heart to yours, thank you for your courage to be the love that you are!

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



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