Special Messages

Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.

2008 Messages

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The Divine in 2009 by Harold Becker - December 31, 2008

Boundless Appreciation by Harold Becker - November 25, 2008

The Grace of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - October 6, 2008

Unconditional Love - The Simple Question by Harold Becker - September 18, 2008

The Unlimited Abundance of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - July 25, 2008

Timeless Love by Harold Becker - April 17, 2008

Unconditional Compassion by Harold Becker - March 19, 2008

A Grander Love by Harold Becker - February 12, 2008


The Divine in 2009 by Harold Becker - December 31, 2008

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Beloved Friends,
In every moment and with each breath we take we have choice. We can witness the beauty, grandness and perfection that always surround us, or we can identify with a perception that somehow things are not as they should be. Either way, we get to make the distinction personally. Such is the amazing power each of us wields.

When we choose from our heart and with loving, self conscious awareness of the oneness that connects us all, we fashion reality to its greatest heights. And when we forget this loving connection to ourselves and with each other, we filter and react to our world with anger, hatred, greed and contempt. Each is ultimately just a perspective of a greater whole and merely represents a momentary reflection of how we see ourselves.

Through the simple recognition that our thoughts and feelings are the key to what we choose, we instantly connect with our potential. When we are present in the moment, our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects converge together into a single consciousness, and when we align our awareness with our innate wisdom and combine it with our deepest love, we are powerful beyond measure. This triune activity of love, wisdom and power, held in perfect balance, is what we have come here to express at this time on our wondrous planet - it is unconditional love in action.

Never before have so many people simultaneously awakened to realize and remember not only their heritage... but also their destiny. We are at a crossroads of reality and before us we have the opportunity to restore our own connection to the divine nature within; the boundless love that flows from our heart.

Against the present backdrop of a reality that appears to be in conflict and chaos, each of us can choose to see beyond the limitation and activate the splendor of love that connects us all. It is our collective moment to accept and be the expression of this love through its many qualities, and to joyfully come from our heart in each moment.

Humanity awaits your courage to be the first to forgive, the first to embody peace, and the first to reveal the potential of love in all things. With dignity, integrity and strength beyond measure, walk this year as if life itself depended upon your love and the divine in 2009 will become a reality for all.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker


Boundless Appreciation by Harold Becker - November 25, 2008

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Dear Friends,

We are extraordinary beings of immense and profound potential. The fact that we breathe and have life is the most amazing miracle in itself. We also have the intrinsic nature of conscious self awareness. We can think, feel and interact with our world with infinite creativity to expand our reality beyond belief. Through our imagination alone, we can perceive and conceive the most fascinating opportunities to experience the grandness of life. Such is our heritage and our destiny.

On a fundamental level, each moment is precious. Beginning with our bodies, every breath and heartbeat engages the process of countless physiological interactions with trillions of cells, each interacting with incredible accuracy and unbelievable wisdom with the whole. And with perhaps little more than a brief acknowledgement, this continues for a lifetime without much notice on our part.

The physical body allows us to move about our day, interacting with our world and creating through our many diverse choices. We can express the depths of our heart with unconditional love or feel the intense pain of separation through the allowance of fear and doubt. Each step and experience lets us know the exact reflection of our choices. Just as in the cells of our body, with every interaction we comprehend how our individual choices combine and affect the whole. It is in this awakening conscious recognition we realize the oneness that is ever present in our reality - we are all interconnected and interdependent and a part of all creation itself.

Being cognizant of the beauty and astonishing perfection within each moment restores our awareness on what is really important in life. When we come from the place of wholeness and wisdom, our choices reflect and create a world that embraces each diverse facet with unconditional equality. Beginning with our own contributions, we easily and joyfully acknowledge and encourage this unlimited potential in others as well.

Life is simple when we come from our heart with boundless appreciation for Life itself.

Love, light and peace,


The Grace of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - October 6, 2008

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It is usually during times where we face the greatest challenges in life that we also create the most beautiful opportunities. These are the moments where we often initially feel the intense sense of helplessness or hopelessness, fear and doubt. Yet, when we are fortunate to be aware of the present now moment, remember to take a deep breath, release our attachment to the challenge and the outcome, and allow unconditional love as our perspective - we experience grace.

When challenges loom large and threatening, our first response is typically one of a reactive role towards some outer condition, person or thing. We look at the screen of life and assume it as our true reality wholly forgetting our inner presence and creative potential in the moment. If we continue to remain in this narrow point of view, we take on the energy and become victims of circumstance.

These moments are the reminder that we can go within and realize what is really happening: we are facing our limited thoughts and feelings that at some point we allowed to become a part of our consciousness. Because we allowed these fractional notions in, they are adding to our limited view of life instead of understanding the bigger picture... and there is always a bigger picture.

Unconditional love is this grander reality. When we fully embrace and accept our selves and our choices, know our infinite ability to imagine something new, and give our heart a chance to express the wisdom of the ages, we invite the grace that is always present to be a part of our experience.

We are more than our material surroundings, things, beliefs, titles, relationships and communities. We are vast, creative multidimensional beings with enormous potential, deep compassion, and incredible courage and strength. Thinking with our heart, we bring hope, help, caring, knowing, unity and solutions. Sharing this journey with each other, we reveal a new potential that includes the best for all. This is the grace of unconditional love.

Embrace and celebrate the moments of challenge for they simply point the way to our heart, where a brighter future filled with unlimited possibility awaits.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Unconditional Love - The Simple Question by Harold Becker - September 18, 2008

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In this present now moment there is a simple question each of us can quietly ask ourselves and by embracing its affirmative answer, we open a whole new reality of potential before us. This is most likely not a question you may have ever considered for yourself or one that you have heard discussed by others. It is perhaps even one that you may wish to ignore at this stage of your journey. Yet, this beautiful and amazing transformative power and potential remains ever present until such time you feel the strength and courage to ask and accept its reality in your heart.

Why ask ourselves this question? Long ago we drifted away from our innate loving wisdom and allowed our consciousness to embrace the notion that our outer reality of form was our source of life. We became mesmerized and subsequently reliant upon our creations and forgot the power within our own being. Over time, this separation led to a sense of self doubt and with it, the corresponding manifestation we call fear. Unaware of the ultimate effect of our ongoing outer focus, we handed down our beliefs, notions, perspectives and ideals from generation to generation, century after century, often without stopping once to go within and ask a single question as to whether what we believe or do is actually coming from our own personal truth.

We stand at the threshold of opportunity to reconnect with our heart and allow the fullness of our wisdom to once again guide us. In an instant, we reverse the ignorance of ages by a clear and genuine acknowledgement of ourselves. By our own choice, we release the boundless freedom and joy and accept the potential that heals not only ourselves, also each other and our wondrous planet we call home. Can such a simple question really make this profound a difference? Answer it honestly, willingly, with an open heart and without hesitation, and you may be surprised by your own undeniable conclusion.

Do I love myself unconditionally?

What could there possibly be not to love? Our size, shape, color, age, gender? Our supposed status and achievements in life or the lack thereof? Our choices, mistakes and behaviors from the past? Our lost hopes, dreams or physical connections with others? These outer conditions and garments are only the forms we use to experience and evolve through life - they are not who we really are. Long after the forms dissolve and the expressions disappear, there is one thing that will always remain - Love.

The unconditional acceptance you have for yourself right now is the unconditional love you naturally will have for all others and Life itself. Allow yourself to embrace the knowing of love held within your heart and you share it with the world.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



The Unlimited Abundance of Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - July 25, 2008

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For eons of time we have played out the duality of wealth and poverty in this physical world. When we have felt opulence in our heart we have created a renaissance in our lives. In the moments where we have allowed our individual and collective fear to be our master, our reaction has typically been to destroy the things we hold most dear. Now we find ourselves at a critical juncture in our evolution. The extremes are obvious. Great material wealth is matched by unbelievable poverty. Will we go beyond this duality and embrace the potential of unconditional love where wealth and poverty merge into abundance for all? Can we allow the wisdom of our heart to decide the course of our collective humanity?

The outer world of physical form is our creative playground and allows us an infinite number of ways to express our potential. Yet, long ago we established a false premise that there is a limited amount of resources and that only by control and manipulation can we maintain an orderly reality. As a result, we have built our lives and civilizations to great heights and also destroyed them in the same breath because we have forgotten the innate and inexhaustible resource of unconditional love.

In many ways we have applied our outer pursuits of materialism to our expectation and experience of love and limited it as a simple commodity: either as an emotional sentiment, physiological expression or brokering tool for affection and acceptance. Yet real love encompasses every facet of our life and is an ever present potential in every moment of our existence. When we invoke unconditional love we instantly rise above the duality. From this expansive perspective we immediately see the intricate web and eternal design of a wise world already filled with love.

Unconditional love is the one resource that is always available to everyone in limitless supply. In this way we are all equal and infinitely abundant and when we give and receive from the heart, everyone benefits. If we are affluent yet hoard our resources for fear of loss, or feel impoverished and continue to accept poverty as our destiny, we deny the opulence that surrounds us right now. In reality, these are ultimately two sides of the same coin as neither embraces the unlimited potential that love creates.

We stand upon the crossroads of a new world where love dissolves the extremes and everyone shares the bounty of creative potential. Which path will you choose?

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Timeless Love by Harold Becker - April 17, 2008

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Have you ever noticed that when you are fully present in your life, everything flows and the possibilities are endless? Thoughts of the past naturally conjure positive feelings and the future seems bright and filled with potential. These are the moments we flow with grace and ease and experience life as a beautiful expression. We notice the subtle perfection all around us and our hearts expand with a distinct knowing that all is well.

Then there are the moments when we pick up on a suggestion, whether from someone or something on our path or think about a past memory that stimulates a sense of hurt - these are the unresolved emotions in our consciousness that have crystallized in form. In a split second, we transport ourselves out of the present moment, via our thoughts and feelings, to a point where we start reliving this painful stuck emotional energy. It then begins to color our present and future experience with all of the unresolved emotions like anger, guilt, shame, worry, greed or fear.

What is the difference between these two realities? When we are aware of our thoughts and feelings and trust the process of life, we remain in an unconditional and timeless state of consciousness and act according to our heartfelt wisdom. Everything is interconnected and we empower our imagination with potential while we seek to fulfill our hopes and dreams. Obstacles and mistakes are recognized as serving to refine our goals rather than block our path and we allow them to be a part of the journey. Love is our guiding emotion.

To the contrary, when we react to a situation identifying with our fears and doubts, we give away our creative responsibility and attach ourselves to a moment in time and space. This incomplete perspective or emotional response is eventually accepted as truth simply because we did not know how to let go. From childhood on, these energetic limitations repeat themselves throughout our lives until we decide one day to release our attachment to them.

We can choose to detach from these distressing limited memories through forgiveness, both for ourselves and all the characters and circumstances that we once perceived to have caused us to feel hurt, harmed, violated or victimized. This is our key to personal freedom and our ability to flow with life once again. When we heal and release ourselves from our own limitations, we also heal and free the world around us.

Unconditional love is indeed timeless since it is impossible to ever attach ourselves to anything when we remain present and loving in our perspective.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



Unconditional Compassion by Harold Becker - March 19, 2008

YouTube Video version for Unconditional Compassion. Watch...

Dear Friends

We are such amazing beings of potential. At our core center, we have a spark of life filled with infinite love. This love is pure, natural and unconditional. Like an endless reservoir, it flows without limit whenever we breathe into the moment and remember this love. We instantly radiate it into all of our experiences and create our lives with incomparable beauty, harmony, peace and joy. The wonder of this awareness is that when we recognize our own spark of divinity we behold this same essence in everyone around us.

Over eons of time and for countless reasons, we have forgotten the importance of being present in the moment and to stay connected with this limitless love. We have placed a symbolic wall around our hearts and blocked the light that seeks to flow as a boundless river of love. As we steadily continued to build this inner defense, so too have we separated ourselves from one another in the outer world of form. When the light eventually became very dim, we let fear and doubt become our motivating intent and as a result, we now find ourselves in a world of seeming chaos, darkness, struggle and strain - the likes of which we have never known.

These outer conditions are merely calling to us to take down our self created barriers and to love once more without reservation or hesitation. We are beginning to realize we have a choice and can make a difference by allowing ourselves to be vulnerable and intimate both with ourselves and with each other. It is okay to accept that we are capable of loving unconditionally. We can also acknowledge that we are loveable and loved and that the walls we have built to protect us from potential hurt, shame, hate and all number of mental and emotional devices need no longer be a part of our world.

We take the first step by having unconditional compassion for our own journey. We may have built this fortification brick by brick with reasoning we thought justifiable at the time, yet now we are aware of our potential to embrace our love and no longer be afraid of it. By accepting ourselves without condition or judgment, we dissolve the walls that have kept this wondrous energy from flowing naturally. In turn, we share this unconditional compassion to those around us as we now understand how they have held back their love too. Compassion is the key that unlocks our collective potential to heal our world and restore the love that is at the heart of all creation.

When we know we have love in our heart, unconditional compassion becomes as natural as breathing.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



A Grander Love by Harold Becker - February 12, 2008

YouTube Video version for A Grander Love Watch...

Love is such a beautiful expression. When we feel the passion of romance, the gentle touch of kindness, or the simple gaze of a willing smile, we are lifted into a higher awareness of life's potential. In these precious moments, the impossible melts into infinity itself where all things are possible. We instantly remember what matters most is this love that unites us and assures us that all is well.

At the core of our being, we intuitively know we are love. Not just an external expression of love that we equate or define as a loving act, rather the grander love that is unconditional. This love knows no bounds or limits, causes our heart to beat, our body to feel and our mind to think. It animates us and inspires us. Such boundless love literally gives us the freedom to explore the very depths of our reality. Without it, we cease to exist. With it, we soar to amazing heights of experience.

Love is silent, yet beckons each moment. This is not a paradox, it is an invitation. Love does not intrude since it is ever present. It merely calls to us and asks that it be included in our awareness through every thought, feeling, word, deed and action. What could be easier?

In this physical world we have become so far removed from this intrinsic aspect of our nature that we have forgotten its existence and importance. Instead, we frequently replace true love with our sensory notions and expectations and limit our expression to a few physiological, mental and emotional acrobatics. These demonstrations are an artificial version of love and are symbolic tokens at best. Naturally, they contain the seeds of a grander love; however we usually do not nurture or cultivate unconditional love long enough to experience its potential in us or our relationships.

Who among us is courageous enough to remember the truth of love? Shall we be so brave as to be the first to embrace and accept ourselves as potent beings of love? Are we willing to share this limitless expression to each and every one around us - without expectation of anything in return? Can we be so bold as to forgive? So outrageous as to accept and embrace the same potential of love in others?

As we grow through life, let us contemplate and invoke this grander love.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker



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