Special Messages

Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.

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The Angel Within by Harold Becker - December 10, 2013

Heaven on Earth by Harold Becker - November 6, 2013

Forgiveness - The Exquisite Healer by Harold Becker - October 4, 2013

Illuminating Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - July 4, 2013

Being Divine Love by Harold Becker - June 5, 2013

Vibrant Love by Harold Becker - April 1, 2013

Bringing Meaning to Life by John Goltz - April 1, 2013


The Angel Within by Harold Becker - December 10, 2013

Excerpted from Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being

We are here to celebrate life. Every step we take upon this magical journey is ours to enjoy. Embracing our potential and using this power to let go of limitation, we experience a new level of our true self. As we continue to expand in love, the heart blazes brighter with the light of our unlimited divine being. This spiritual essence encased within our form is breaking free and expressing its loving nature.

We have a presence about us everywhere we go and in all we do. This presence is so much more than we currently perceive ourselves to be. It is our higher nature, the angel within. It is our individual divine expression of the Universe. To the degree we choose to align with these higher expressions, our energy conveys love, wisdom, and power. This is our real heritage and truth.

Remembering the nature of our existence allows us to tap this mighty reservoir and use its limitless supply of energy to create our dreams. Awakening to the original plan we are choosing once again the expression of love to guide us on our path. The only thing really changing is the focus of our attention. Yet, by this choice, everything we experience will change. ...

...The power of our attention is our key to the future. We are self-conscious creative beings and with that we have a responsibility for our creation. What we do and experience is a result of our thoughts and feelings sent into motion to manifest in the physical world and we are their creator. Every limitation in life is a balancing of cause and effect from another time since energy must seek balance to evolve and expand. Each unlimited expression is our acknowledgement of being free from these limiting forces. ...

...People everywhere in the world are taking steps to reclaim the peace and opulence that are their right and privilege. Many are dismantling old structures that confine and limit the citizens of their country while installing methods that are inclusive and universally empowering. This tremendous change in focus from a limited and fear based approach to a loving one is causing much to come to the surface to be loved and released.

Although many images and reflections would like us to believe the world is in chaos and collapsing, the reverse is true. Yes, there is a release of discordant images and a balancing of energy is occurring since it is a necessary part of the process. However, it is symbolic of the new reality of love that is rapidly raising our individual and collective experience while releasing the old, limited ways. ...

...If you never considered yourself an angel or find it difficult to embrace, I would like to suggest you contemplate the idea. It may not be as far from the truth as you originally thought. Besides, accepting your divinity could be the best thing you ever do and there is no way it can hurt you. Like me, you will find it answers the questions that plagued humanity for a very long time. It also fills in the last piece of a puzzle that is complete with this understanding. When you see yourself as an angel, you also see an angel in everyone else.

Despite anything your personality/ego may believe or try to convince you of, it will never deny your heritage as a divine being. Your heart always knows the truth and when you listen within, you will feel the resonance of love guiding your reality. Deep in the center of your consciousness beats the wisdom, love and power of an eternal spirit. Grasp this awareness and you claim your dominion of infinite potential.

Never underestimate your power or that of the universe to transform the most challenging situation into a miraculous blessing of love. Call this light into every condition and watch the experience evolve. By your own use of love, you set into motion this powerful action that dissolves the negativity and changes it into a higher expression. You are an angel and you have the power to do it creatively. ...

...You have all the inspiration you require right within your heart. Use it and make this a better world for everyone. The universe is full of possibilities and has the substance necessary to make them a reality with its limitless supply of imagination and ideas to take care of every problem and condition. Build like the universe does through unconditional love.

Always remember your Higher Self loves you unconditionally. You are a divine spark of creation and have the love of the universe at your service. Many beings of this world also love you. Open up to the love within and around you and you will receive these gifts of exquisite energy.

Spread your wings and ascend back into your rightful station as a creator being. Stand strong and free and accept the accolades of a job well done. You set about to know separation and succeeded beyond belief. Now you can reunite with your whole and complete Higher Self and the collective universe again. You can create like an angel through the power of unconditional love.

As a master angel in training, you are ready to embark upon a new journey of love. Let the light of your heart illumine the path before you and walk in joy. Show the earth your gratitude and love and she will honor your every step. Hold hands with your fellow angels in human clothes and you will always have company. Keep your attention upon your Higher Self and you will have a friend for eternity. Live free in the present moment and you free the world. Share your joy with others and they will dance with you. Love unconditionally and you will know and become love itself. Unconditional love truly is an unlimited way of being.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Heaven on Earth by Harold Becker - November 6, 2013

Excerpted from Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being

There is a paradigm shift underway upon the earth and in its wake we shall know a new reality. The days of discord and negative expression are rapidly dissolving despite the appearance otherwise. In their place, we are coming to know and experience a love of such unbelievable magnitude as to scarcely recognize the old ways of living through fear and doubt. The polarization of negative and positive forces, and their respective expressions, are blending and balancing into a new awareness of unconditional love.

Throughout the ages many have sought or assumed an afterlife of perfection and termed this reality a form of heaven. Individuals of every period have been exploring the meaning and purpose of life hoping this illumination will release them from the difficulties seemingly encountered here. Some civilizations have even come forth in an attempt to perfect their existence to reach this type of destiny. Yet, all the while we have chased after an external heaven or sense of personal redemption; we have forgotten the truth within our being.

Heaven has never been a place or condition outside us. In the continuous pursuit to reach some glorious attainment, we miss the glory and beauty of the moment. This present moment has always been the destiny and reward for a life lived in love. Every Master Teacher of any age or civilization spoke this truth. Still, for the limited human, the reality of such a simple possibility is often elusive and confusing.

In our ever evolving journey we have been in a game of separation. This illusion has its premise in that we can disconnect our consciousness from the Source of life. Although we assume this possibility to make it work, we can never be separate from creation since it exists everywhere around and in us. We constantly create our reality with the power of our thoughts and feelings according to where we focus our attention.

We draw the wondrous loving qualities to us by our attention and contemplation upon our higher nature and Higher Self. Our true understanding of this limitless universal energy is through our expression and use of these qualities. To focus on love without using love is only a partial experience of life. To focus and allow love in every moment is to know life as an unlimited experience. ...

... It is time to let go of the old ways and habits of living life and begin expressing our higher potential. Unconditional love has always been an option available to us even though we have usually chosen to ignore it. We are at a point in our evolution when the mass conscious awareness allows us to take a quantum leap in this loving expression. This is occurring because we are remembering the mechanics of creation and therefore, have no reason to maintain the illusion of separation.

The entire universe always operates with unconditional love. The planets, stars, and life forms of other worlds and dimensions all abide by this understanding. The light and love within the atom is the same energy that sustains galaxies along with you and me. It is the cohesive element that keeps the spiral of life ever expanding and going higher and this connection to all life is love.

Heaven manifests on earth when you choose peace, harmony, and joy as your only expression. Using integrity, grace, compassion, honesty and generosity, you make a difference in this world and each quality of unconditional love goes forth and expands everything throughout infinity. It is your self-conscious direction that sends it on its journey and brings heaven into focus right here and now.

Turn to your heart and listen intently to the voice of your own love. It cannot and never will lead you in error. Choose love of your own free will and you will know what love is. Ignore it and you continue upon a path of limitation. The power is yours to command, so choose wisely.

It is time for those that love to help those that seek love. This service to life is the cornerstone of all existence. We simply turn to life through our Higher Self and accept the light and love that we already are. In return for this wonderful energy, we share it unceasingly to those around us. We expand according to our desire and willingness and the pace is ours to decide. The quicker we accept love however, the faster we experience it in our world.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Forgiveness - The Exquisite Healer by Harold Becker - October 4, 2013

Excerpted from Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being

The most magical power we have is our ability to forgive. It is the exquisite healer in all of us. Forgiveness is the key to releasing any emotional baggage we have continued to carry, our outdated and outmoded perspectives, and any other attachment that keeps us bound to the past. It is the only way to really let go of negative energy we haves stored within us. This form of release has no comparison and by using it, we unleash the power of unconditional love. When we say "yes!" to forgiving ourselves, another person, place, condition or experience, we are accepting love to guide and fill our lives with infinite joy.

No situation in life is beyond the act of forgiveness. Many people think they want to hold on to their traumas and pain to remind them of the past mistaken experiences. They assume that by keeping these memories alive they can somehow insure not to repeat them in the future. This is an unfortunate reasoning process. When we keep negative energy alive within us, we fill our now moment with this energy and create a future moment for the same type of energy to return. The very desire to avoid more hurt by holding on to the past causes us to experience the pain repeatedly. Only forgiveness and release can stop this process permanently.

The mistakes of the past are just that, an opportunity that we experienced to learn something about our use of universal energy. When we identify and associate pain, suffering or limitation with a particular experience, we add this negative energy to our mental and emotional memories and carry it within our consciousness. Each time we encounter a similar situation it triggers this energy to come forth and influences our present expression with whatever we are feeling. In reality, whatever is before us is simply a reflection of energy we sent out in our past and if it is less than loving, it is our opportunity to forgive and release the appearance. Only through a complete release can we move forward in freedom. ...

...The beauty of forgiveness is that we are the ones who can take charge and make the necessary changes in our lives. From the grandest perspective, there really is no one to blame or even to forgive. We use the act of forgiveness to release our hold upon the limitations and painful memories, both personal and societal, that we have become attached to. Forgiveness allows us to release these obsolete and limiting perspectives of past experiences and permits freedom to take their place.

When we remember that each of us does the very best we can at any particular moment, we are well on our way to forgiving everyone and everything. If we have anger for example, and lash out at another, it is all we can do at that moment. Hopefully, the next moment the anger will have passed and we can come from a more loving position. We must accept both scenarios as valid even if they produced different reactions. By acknowledging our behaviors, we instantly see how and why others behave the way they do.

Forgiveness is not just a statement of release from our actions; it must be understood and felt as well. We cannot shirk or circumvent our responsibility with a casual glance and vague apology. We are striving for greater personal understanding and healing of our thoughts and feelings that have bound us to a past expression. Forgiveness is a gracious tool when used with genuine intent.

Forgiveness is only effective when we feel it within our hearts as we thoughtfully release the experience, condition, person or event. Our motivation must be true and sincere. Equally, we must be willing to take corrective measures to insure we do not engage this type of energy again. It may take several attempts at forgiveness to thoroughly release the negative limitation and emotional bond. Eventually, hurts and traumas of the past become the learned lessons and joys of self discovery in the present.

No circumstance, perceived hurt, or challenge will ever be outside the act of our personal forgiveness. The pain may run deep and the suffering may be severe, yet now we know the key to change. The greater we hold on, the more we need to let go and forgive. The challenge and the opportunity are both ours, which do you prefer? It is your creation and your experience.

When we seek to be divine, we act with angelic wisdom. Forgiveness is truly divine. It is also infinitely practical. To err is only the momentary human aspect of our selves. Forgiveness is the magical quality of love that can never fail and it is only a thought and feeling away. Never end a day without completely forgiving everyone and everything, including yourself, and soon you will find you are soaring free to the heavens within.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Illuminating Unconditional Love by Harold Becker - July 4, 2013

To help us come to a better understanding and practical realization of unconditional love in our everyday life, let's reflect on both words unconditional and love. Most of us believe we understand or at least acknowledge what we think love is. Yet when we add the unconditional aspect to love, it takes on a new connotation and dimension. This combination of words forces us to dig deeper and search out the true meaning for ourselves in each moment. Nothing in life is black and white anymore when unconditional love is applied. Instead, we rise above duality and appreciate the supreme wisdom and opportunity held in the experience. We see and understand how unconditional love is behind and within all we experience.

To begin: love is energy. When we say love, we are using more than a descriptive word to characterize our experience of life. It is a power that permeates the universe. At times, we glimpse its immense nature through an intuitive moment. Love is a process and way of living life. It is an expansion of certain qualities we feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Our experience of life expands and evolves when we engage love.

Love is an expression of kindness, compassion, and understanding. It is a sense of personal peace and joy. When tapping into love we feel comfort and support for ourselves and our world. When we invoke love, we forgive and release the appearances of our experiences. Love trusts, is patient and does not judge or hate. When we allow love to flow, we do not fear or doubt. Similarly, we do not blame, use aggression, manipulate or control. Criticism and condemnation dissolve by this amazing power. Love is freedom from the limiting beliefs that encourage our inner hatred, prejudice, frustration, anger, and separation.

Love releases the need to be in control and always right. Lack, limitation, guilt and worry go free into higher expressions of dreams and possibilities through love. The stillness of love washes over our concerns and sweeps them away, providing new opportunities to experience life in joyous ways. Love is a thought and feeling we hold within, a perception, an understanding and a knowing.

Love is an attitude we have about life. When love is expressed, we are allowing the highest level of our awareness to permeate the moment. We are literally vibrating to a higher frequency of energy and allowing this energy to move forth into our world, where it changes and lifts everything it contacts. It is an ever expanding and evolving journey. Love is truly a way of being.

Now, let us turn to our other word, unconditional. Unconditional is to be without condition or limit. This means no strings attached, no stipulations, and no expectations. To be unconditional is to be unlimited.

Putting the words together with this expanded understanding, it can be simply stated; unconditional love is an unlimited way of being. We are whole and complete in every moment and all we need do is realize and reveal this truth. We are loved and lovable and can share and radiate this love by our own command. We have a choice and can choose to love unconditionally. We are unlimited as to our potential to love in each and every moment.

Although we do not usually comprehend it, we are without limit to our thoughts and feelings in life and can create any reality we choose to focus our attention upon. So it is up to us to allow this love to permeate our existence. There are infinite imaginative possibilities when we are free to go beyond our perceived limits. If we can dream it, we can build it, and if we use love, all life will benefit.

When we approach each moment with love of a higher nature, we experience the freedom of life itself. We are free to share life's gift of love to everything and everyone around us and we are no longer bound by our own limited thoughts and perceptions. The more we place our attention on unconditional love, the more we become this energy in action.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Being Divine Love by Harold Becker - June 5, 2013

Unconditional love is a power so universally recognized that we all aspire to its realization whether we are conscious of it or not. We yearn for it, pray for it and, at times, even fight for it. Throughout time great master teachers have come forth to remind us of it. On a deep inner level, we seem to know and understand that unconditional love does exist and we eventually - or hopefully - will touch its vibration once again. There is no person, place or thing outside of us that will bring us the experience of unconditional love, and yet it is everywhere. How can this be? Because love already exists within our consciousness, it is a part of each of us. Deep within our true nature lies our divinity and in that divine essence is where we find and express love. Regardless of any name or label we may try to impose upon this divine nature, it is the experience of love that matters. Love is. How can such a power be all pervading and at the same time so elusive?

Maybe we are the ones keeping it out of our lives. Could it be that simple? Are we personally capable of loving unconditionally? Are we actually afraid of embracing and experiencing love of an unconditional nature? Could such a love be recalled, cultivated and brought back into daily use? Absolutely!

You are divine. I am divine. All are divine. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are all connected in the web of life. Your ability to create reality is the same as mine. The same spark of life that animates life in you is also the one that brings life to me. That spark is love. It is consciousness itself. It is found within the heart center of our being and transcends our ego and intellectual definition.

Ultimately, there is nothing to seek or become, rather a truth to unfold. Through this conscious recognition of the love we have within, we can realize dreams of a brighter world filled with what our heart craves. Love is who we really are. It is what each of us secretly searches for in the deepest reaches of our psyche. Love is the power source of our very being and brings reason to an otherwise chaotic creation born as the result of the separation from love.

Simple idea, yet who of us remembers this in our daily routine? When the challenges and problems seem insurmountable and obstacles appear at every turn, how easy is it to think of the bigger picture of love? When fear and doubt has us in its grip, how do we recall that it is just an illusion and that only love is real? This is the duality we create every day through our thoughts and feelings. We allow our mind to focus on the outer appearance rather than the inner love and guidance that already exists. Yet, there it is, waiting to be recognized and released. It is time to bring this love to the surface of our own awareness and realize its potential to transform our lives.

Love is experienced when it is shared with others unconditionally. We know love when we give love, not the other way around. Approaching life in this fashion places us back on the right side of life. Rather than expecting something to come to us, we recognize our divine right to express the love we are. This is the way we come to know and experience unconditional love.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Vibrant Love by Harold Becker - April 1, 2013

Beauty, harmony, joy, peace, wisdom, compassion - what makes these words stand out? They are a resonance, a frequency and a vibration that lift us up. They are qualities of love. They are what we truly yearn for in life. These words are more than the qualities they represent; they symbolize a feeling that resonates deep within and bring us a sense of completion and oneness. From our outer personality standpoint, we often think in terms of happiness, personal success and accomplishment. Yet as a result of our best efforts we may feel only a moment of peace and contentment. However, we rarely feel complete in these areas or remain content. What we desire is a deeper sense of knowing that all is well and that we are loved. We look endlessly to the outer world of our daily experiences hoping for some glimmer of this feeling of love.

It is from this point we begin. The outer focus can and needs to be turned inward. We can start the process of becoming consciously aware of our thoughts and feelings, motives and intent. This inner awareness is our point of power. It is also where we find the love we seek and the opportunity to share it with others. It is right here and available in this current moment.

Have you ever stopped long enough to question your reality or that of the world around you? Think for a moment: is what you are experiencing real or just a limited view of a much larger picture? How do you act and react to daily situations? What limiting thoughts or negative emotions do you carry that create the difficulties you experience each day? How many times do you listen within to your own thoughts and feelings about life rather than reacting or responding to outer suggestions and conditions?

These questions all point to a realization that we have become so focused on the outer world we have forgotten we are the creators of it. Each of us uses the energy of our mind and feelings to generate our outer experiences. Wherever we place our attention that is what we become. It is time to turn this process around and begin paying attention to how we view life and ask ourselves what we really believe or truly desire out of life.

Let us start with a simple universal truth. What we have within, we give out. What we give out, we receive back in full measure. We live by this circular flow of life every moment of every day, yet who of us realizes it? We are creating our lives every moment by the choices we make and the beliefs we accept. Each moment we send out either love and harmony or fear and doubt. Whatever we hold in our consciousness becomes our reality. We are the only ones who can invoke or deny the power of love through our attention.

Through our willingness and determination we can reconsider our limiting beliefs. We simply go within to realize why we feel, act, think and often react the way we do. We can then choose to change our perspectives if need be and take action accordingly. In this process of getting to know ourselves for ourselves, we also start to understand others and why they are the way they are. This is unconditional love in action. The more we understand ourselves and acknowledge love, the more we naturally love our neighbors and the world around us. We, too, can become a living example of unconditional love in action.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Bringing Meaning to Life by John Goltz - April 1, 2013

John T. GoltzFor eons, people have asked themselves the question “what is the meaning of life?” For me, the simplest answer is “unconditional love.” But what does that really mean and how does that help in day-to-day existence? How can we apply that understanding to our present state of living on this planet?

First of all, I found that by bringing my awareness to the recognition of unconditional love for "self" as the beginning point, I can actively observe and comprehend how love is a natural part of my life. The declaration that "I love myself unconditionally" is life-changing and transformative in its own right. However, getting to that understanding, let alone applying it in the midst of chaos, stress, and fear, can seem like a monumental task. Just for fun, and as way to explore love, let's set aside the common sentiments that loving yourself is a "task" for some future accomplishment or "hard" or even "impossible" and allow the possibility to enter your being.

Second, let's take a moment to consider what unconditional love means. Of course it will be interpreted and understood on an individual basis; personally, I like Harold Becker's contemporary definition that "unconditional love is an unlimited way of being." To me that means that love exists as an energy and ever-present experience in all levels of physical, emotional, mental and etheric life. By embracing that stream of energy and removing our self-imposed restrictions, belief systems, etc, we become more unlimited and more capable of handling life in its myriad of expressions. When we are willing to forgive, release, change, grow, and explore who we really are, we become more than we thought we were and have more love to offer the world.

By taking unconditional love down from its lofty perch and perceived state of unachievable perfection, we can make it a foundation from which to build our life. Once we do this, we can expand and work with this influential energy in practical and applicable ways and our lives will transform. For example, forgiveness, an aspect of unconditional love, is a powerful and dramatic healer, especially when applied to yourself. We can restore our relationships, our health and our lives through the forgiveness and release of things that no longer serve us like guilt, shame and resentment. When we, as individuals, find balance in our personal sense of love, wisdom and power, we literally change the world simply by being a presence and channel of unconditional love.

And finally, where "unconditional love" may provide a basis of meaning in this earthly realm, it brings up another question for me, "what is important in life?" I've determined that being happy is the thing that matters most in our moment-by-moment existence. By definition, happiness is "a state of well-being and contentment" or "a pleasurable or satisfying experience." I'm not talking about ego gratification and superficial whims of the personality; I'm referring to a deeper state of quiet joy that comes from being at peace with ourselves and the process of life.

So, all that said, I encourage you to love yourself unconditionally and follow your heart to experience happiness and joy in the present moment as you continue to grow, expand and learn on the journey of life. You are a masterful, sovereign, creative being and can enjoy all the riches and freedoms that life has to offer. You are a shining light in this world and the more you forgive, let go, open up, give and allow, the more you will have. I love you unconditionally.

Love, light and joy,
John T. Goltz
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



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