Special Messages

Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.

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Gracious Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted December 11, 2018

Only Love Matters by Harold W. Becker - Posted November 11, 2018

In the Beginning is Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted October 11, 2018

Celebrating Life through Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted September 11, 2018

From Celestial Stardust to Cosmic Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted August 10, 2018

Transforming the Heart of Humanity by Harold W. Becker - Posted July 11, 2018

Unity in a Diverse World by Harold W. Becker - Posted June 11, 2018

Thriving with Love Harold W. Becker - Posted February 14, 2018

New Beginnings with Love Harold W. Becker - Posted January 11, 2018


Gracious Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted December 11, 2018

Harold W. Becker 2018-12-11Each time we pause and take a deep breath, we instantly connect with the all-pervasive love we are. This intrinsic essence of love is forever within, through and around us. When we tune inward, we hear it as a cosmic symphony playing the grandest of all compositions as it gently reminds us of our inherent magnificence. This precious energy touches us in our heart, illuminates our mind, and brings a sense of inner contentment and peace. It is a gracious love that uplifts us from our outer concerns and encourages us to remember that all is eternally well.

The nature of our adventure on this planet is to explore its beauty and enjoy its bounty, discovering our creative abilities along the way as we interact with the elements of material life. Through our imagination and willpower, we can manifest the most exquisite forms from the building blocks that make up our reality. Fashioned with the intention of love, we enhance our individual and collective journey with our creation, inspiring even greater potentials.

As amazing as each moment can be, we frequently become enamored and entranced with the physical world to such a degree that our outer focus takes us away from our true self as beings of love. Captivated by our own external story, we forget our role as author of our unfolding journey. This perception of separation is ultimately an illusion, yet in the earthly realm, it can feel as real and tangible as any material thing. The notion that we have somehow disconnected from our heart produces pain, which we interpret as doubt and fear. From this perspective, we begin to react to our experiences instead of being an active participant in joyfully creating them.

We compound our dilemma by sharing and implying our lack, limitation, worry, guilt or shame with one another instead of reminding each other of our exquisite, heart-centered inner self.  Generation upon generation we tell our tales and act upon our fears, rarely stopping long enough to question the validity of our reasons, justifications and interpretations about life.

The innate power of love is the foundation of our consciousness.-Harold W. Becker

The innate power of love is the foundation of our consciousness. Even though we may turn our attention away to outer corporeal expressions, it remains ever available to transform our awareness from limitation to boundless possibilities. Thankfully, we are beginning to listen to the loving whispers of our heart and are writing new chapters that ensure love becomes our shared story.

As a marvelous creator being, breathe deeply and let your love flow with grace and ease.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


Only Love Matters by Harold W. Becker - Posted November 11, 2018

Harold W. Becker 11-11-18As we journey upon this amazing planet filled with beauty and spectacular opportunity to experience the richness of life, our driving animation and intention is a brilliant design of love. With each heartbeat, our body performs countless tasks to provide us with a magnificent vehicle in which to explore our reality. Our minds have an infinite capacity to imagine new possibilities, along with the rational and logical capability to bring our desires into material manifestation. The earth provides the ingredients to create and sustain this extraordinary system while also being our laboratory to express the things we can conceive. All this happens with a precision that defies our present comprehension as if orchestrated from realms beyond our senses and with an infinite, intangible and indelible quality of love.

Life is an incredibly intricate and intimate interaction on every scale we can perceive or envision. From the dance of the subatomic particles that eventually coalesce into the cells, organs and structures that form our body, to their likewise combining on a cosmic scale as planets and stars of galaxies far beyond our own. Each of these building blocks share an integral part in our adventure of life and come together in such amazing ways that allow us to enjoy this embodiment. On the most fundamental level, all of this occurs in complete harmony, collaboration and cooperation to ensure that everything combines in the exact way to make life possible. Truly an unfolding story of love from time immemorial.

Contemplating these simple and basic truths, we realize that there is so much more occurring in each moment than we normally recognize. Comprehending the vastness of what we are a part of, makes our daily habits, routines, beliefs and perspectives seem impossibly small and only a tiny fragment of all that is. How can something so natural and obvious escape our awareness? We have forgotten who we are at the deepest level. Over eons of time, our conscious awareness became a focus on our outer reality to such a degree that we came to identify with it instead of our ever-present inner reality where our true sense of self resides. This is the creative realm where all things connect and where we know ourselves as beings of love.

At times, we glimpse our vastness in moments of joy, peace and heartfelt connections with each other. These are the instances where we grasp the magnitude and potential of our interconnection to life itself. They may be subtle or profound and each of them touch us with a powerful sense of something grand and precious within that we instantly and easily wish to share to everything around us. This is love in action and it is who we are. This universal love permeates all existence and we are here to embody it in its fullness.

Universal love permeates all existence and we are here to embody it.-Harold W. Becker

Our physical bodies and the material world around us are a forever-changing landscape of birth and death, cycling and recycling of the particles that play their part for a time and then become something new. We all come and go as a natural part of our journey. What remains is the love we share while we are here. It is time to unite our inner and outer realities as one, and restore our compassionate creative capacity as the amazing beings we came here to be. By remembering who we really are, we know that only love matters.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


In the Beginning is Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted October 11, 2018

Harold W. Becker October 2018We come into this world filled with innate magnificence and pure loving potential to expand the very nature of life itself. Our lifelong journey weaves our innermost heartfelt dreams and desires with the natural unfolding of our individual and collective adventure. By our very design, the gifts of conscious thought and feeling provide the means to ensure we can become whatever we imagine is possible for us. From the moment of birth, our lives become one of discovery and creation in every conceivable way through this amazing and multi-faceted earthly existence, with love guiding us every step of the way.

Initially absorbing the world around us, we eventually become consciously aware of our presence in the world and our effects upon it. Although the earliest formative moments initiate the framework and foundation of our personal understanding, we remain forever capable of charting our own destiny and discovering new and fresh approaches to living. Regardless of the influence, suggestions and experiences given to us by others, we can decide how we wish to perceive life. This is precisely how we assist in the expansion of possibilities for future generations and ourselves.

Our challenge and opportunity is to overcome the inertia of limiting perspectives and less-than-loving views accumulated over eons of time. In every lifetime, each person’s journey is their own and when we embrace our magnificence, we blossom with newfound innovative ideas and expressions. However, for countless reasons, we often do not recognize our loving potential and take paths that reinforce a diminished perception of life. This compounds itself as we pass our limitations on as fear and doubt through many generations, while never questioning any mistaken or outmoded assumptions that we base our choices on.

When we embrace our magnificence, we blossom with newfound innovative ideas and expressions.-Harold W. Becker

There is no judgement in our past choices. Rather, our true point of power is in the current awakening and remembering that every moment is a new beginning and that we have the conscious ability to choose our own thoughts and feelings. The present outer reality may reflect the many flawed premises we came to embrace internally and collectively, while it simultaneously reveals the infinite potential that is ever-present right here and now.

By going within to our heart center, we find the balance, harmony and insights that provide the clarity for the highest and best path forward that benefits all. This inner wisdom inspires us through intuition and encourages us to come from our magnificence. Let us begin the next step of our journey from the one that started it all – love.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


Celebrating Life through Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted September 11, 2018

Harold W. Becker 2018-09-10Immersed in a world filled with spectacular beauty, awe-inspiring wonder and unbelievable interwoven intricacy, our life's journey has all the potential to be one of immense joy. The sheer scale and scope of our universe, from the smallest subatomic particles to the billions of galaxies that comprise our known reality, all interact in a cosmic dance that brings us to this personal present moment. Yet, beyond all this magnificence is something even more exquisite ? the eternal presence and expression of unconditional love. This seemingly invisible, yet all pervasive expression of love is the unifying, animating principle that flows through and around us.

Over eons of time and for countless reasons, we have forgotten our connection to our innate grandness and the love that beats our heart in unison with the celestial heavens. This gradual separation from love caused us to use the gift of our imagination in ever increasing devastating and detrimental ways instead of invoking the amazing potentials that expand creation itself. Through our corporeal nature and survival focus, we began to doubt our creative countenance and natural state of loving balance and instead, we emerged into realities of pain and suffering, control, domination, disease and despair. These destructive energies have held us in states of fear for entirely too long. They are neither natural nor necessary and no longer serve us in viable and sustainable ways.

Each of us are brilliant beings of infinite possibility. We have the capacity to think and feel in ways that no other living creature can, along with conscious self-awareness that acknowledges our own presence in the universe. Endowed with the creative sentience to imagine realities and the mental, physical and emotional talents to manifest our ideas, we are remarkable in every sense. Most importantly, everyone shares these same potentials and each of us can create from our heart without restraint.

Each of us are brilliant beings of infinite possibility.-Harold W. Becker

Our single greatest challenge is to overcome the inertia of our individual and collective predisposition to our perceived limitations. Through sustained habit of thinking, which develops into belief that something is true, we forge pathways and grooves both in our inner landscape of synapses and brain cognition, and out into our world through ritual, tradition, culture and social expectation. Believing our personal shortcomings are unchangeable, we continuously state and suggest the same to one another, thus perpetuating the dilemma of ineffectual limitation.

The truly astounding opportunity before us is the simple awakening and remembering of our intrinsic embodied love. At the center of our being, the spark of love forever awaits our recognition. When we go within, we feel its presence instantly and love has the profound ability to permeate our consciousness when we focus upon it. Reuniting with love is our way forward. The more we consciously and willingly bring love into our thinking and feeling, the greater and faster we transform and manifest a viable and thriving reality filled with love. Life once again becomes a celebration of the love that we are.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


From Celestial Stardust to Cosmic Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted August 10, 2018

Harold W. Becker 2018-08-10The building blocks of life are an intrinsic part of our universe, from the tiniest grains of stardust to the cosmos of billions of galaxies each containing trillions of stars. The very seeds of organic existence emanate from the farthest reaches of time and space, coalescing in myriad ways as nebulae, stars, planets, galaxies, and other innumerable, unfathomable magnificent creations; including us. The atoms that conspire to make a star are the same that inhabit our own bodies and link us forever together in a universal dance. We are truly a part of it all and even grander than we presently realize.

Consider the magnitude of forces that have come together over eons of time and space so that life as we know it could be possible on our planet. The sheer enormity of the vast interplaying aspects that lay the foundation for this particular moment is beyond miraculous. Cycling, recycling, revolving, evolving, and expanding in boundless forms, the heartbeat and rhythms of the heavens beat within each of us.

The heartbeat and rhythms of the heavens beat within each of us.-Harold W. Becker

With each breath, our bodies mirror the cosmos in magnitude and complexity with its own trillions of cells made of inestimable numbers of atoms all interacting, energizing and vitalizing our physical life. Our bodies, composed from the elements of celestial stardust and eternally connected to our cosmic heritage, are only a temporary, corporeal instrument we inhabit as multi-dimensional beings on this precious home we call earth. The starlit heavens may be the source of our physical origins; however, something more extraordinary is animating our lives.

As conscious beings aware of our surroundings and ourselves, we add a unique quantum element to the material nature of life ? the unifying and permeating attribute of love. We have the capacity to interact with life unlike anything else and we intuitively understand that there are immeasurable potentials awaiting us each moment. Graced with the gift of imagination, we have the ability to use the same building blocks of life and manifest our own forms through our thoughts and feelings. Yet beyond all of this is our capacity to be self-aware of the inherent presence of love within us.

Just as the rays from our sun-star ignite and nourish life on our planet, we nurture one another by sharing our compassion and kindness. This is why we are here and why life itself conspired countless ages ago to ensure that one day we would arrive to embody the fullness of who we are as beings of cosmic love.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


Transforming the Heart of Humanity by Harold W. Becker - Posted July 11, 2018

Harold W. Becker 2018-07-11The awakening of our heart is leading us to question our methods, beliefs and long-held structures based in a dated notion of separation from all that is. A burgeoning and amazingly diverse global population, coupled with a precipitous realization of our resulting human impact upon our earth and her peoples, is compelling a dialogue and internal investigation that promises to shift our lives to their core. Through this transformative process, we are initiating an era of peace ? both within ourselves and around the world.

To achieve a collective experience of local and global peace, it is imperative that we understand who we are on the deepest personal level. Without a recognition and discovery of our worth and universal nature as empowered creative beings, we are destined to remain in the illusion and false sense of separation from each other and ourselves. Self-awareness is the beginning point that propels us forward towards a peaceful global culture that is cultivated within our own being by balancing the creative expression of our heart and the practical application of our mind.

Within the past few decades, our advancing awareness of one another as fellow humans is growing exponentially, both in our own evolving consciousness and in technology, which is encouraging and amplifying this connection with one another. What was normally a focus on local levels to address the needs of our immediate community, we are suddenly expanding to a global realization that we are all one family intricately intertwined with each other and our planetary environment. Division and separation are transforming into borderless recognition of unity. Gone are the days where we could consciously declare one better than the other, or that somehow what happens around the world does not affect us personally. We are equally becoming aware of the many disruptive and detrimental qualities we are placing on our environment.

Even though this shift has been underway for some time, the recent advent of technology, advances of science, and explosion of information, have converged and accelerated our current potential. Together, they combine to reveal a vast new arena of universal oneness. It is also opening something unexpected: our collective hearts. What peace and love-based visionaries already know is finding its way into the core population - we must think with our hearts and feel with our minds if we are to evolve and endure as a race of people.

We have always been a collective humanity; however, it is particularly fascinating that science and technology are igniting this outer remembering since we do not often associate science and materialism with issues of the heart. How has it managed to do this? By improving the spontaneous sharing of information, social connections and resources, which awakened us to the plight and challenges we face universally. Images, pictures, news, art, culture, language, and customs are a few of the universally and, in many cases, instantly available resources and understandings literally at our fingertips.

We are initiating an era of peace - both within ourselves and around the world.-Harold W. Becker

Collaboration is swiftly becoming the norm as it replaces the outdated competitive perspective. By recognizing our shared ability to affect positive change on an individual and group level, we are allowing the creative stimulus of collective problem solving to occur in quick form rather than stifling our progress by the competitive control of resources and ideas that has been the approach of the past.

In order to create collaborative solutions to address the problems we face as individuals and society, it is necessary to be conscious of each other as our planetary brothers and sisters. We are all in this together and through helping, teaching and encouraging each other, we translate our local efforts into actions on a grand scale that incorporate a broader understanding that every choice we make is having an impact on all. A collaborative global family promises to bring a new harmony to humanity and it is our privilege to be its present-day participants and prospective architects.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


Unity in a Diverse World by Harold W. Becker - Posted June 11, 2018

Harold W. Becker 2017-12-11An unfolding journey of awakening and self-discovery is underway around the globe and it is revealing a vast new awareness that is far beyond the scope of prescribed education, leadership, traditions and cultural norms that we are accustomed to participating in. With the evolving real-time social interactions brought about by the worldwide web, our access to one another is becoming instant, cross cultural and directly personal. These new forms of communication with one another are initiating a process where we are questioning the many different concepts and suggestions shared through longstanding information channels. It is becoming more evident with each passing moment that most are an attempt at conformity and compliance to social and behavioral standards of the past that are rapidly becoming outdated and outmoded.

We often disguise our personal doubts, challenges, fears, and emotions, for instance, under the pretense of appropriate and acceptable behavior as part of our life view, teachings and opinions. We do this in an endeavor to ensure a more stable social outer order and maintain a standard on individual and group beliefs. Yet, the primary challenge remains; we consider anyone outside these imposed social structures to be a stranger or a threat, and this perspective instantly creates separation. Separation is the pain we all suffer from and it is really an illusion. We are all interconnected and interdependent on this beautiful blue orb we call earth.

When we return to the bigger picture of life, we instantly connect to the deepest aspect of our kindred being. This connection sees the oneness in each other and, from this angle, only kindness prevails and diversity is expected and celebrated. Kindness certainly knows no borders and flows with ease and grace when we allow it to express itself through us. Diversity allows us to share these many experiences in a variety of ways that enhance our journey of life.

Kindness knows no borders and flows with ease and grace.-Harold W. Becker

Moving beyond our limiting beliefs and choosing to see everyone as a friend, opens us up to a global diversity beyond comprehension. By trusting ourselves, we become more intimate, natural and embracing with each person we encounter in life. When we choose to see life from the viewpoint of unity, our cultures, rituals, customs and social perceptions give way to soul expressions as we allow our heart to guide our destiny. This quiet voice of inner wisdom understands the connection that is ever-present and seeks to encourage us to remember our universal heartbeat. When we approach each other as a friend, we set the stage for grand potential. The word "stranger" ceases to exist in this context and disappears from our vocabulary completely.

Although conflicts born of discrimination, humiliation and ignorance of the precious value of life may continue for a while, how we personally approach life and the choices we make alters the timing and the outcome. Accepting and loving ourselves unconditionally initiates our expanding conscious awareness of the boundless beauty in life. As we embrace one another as fellow humans, we dissolve age-old conflicts and restore the dignity and diversity that is both our heritage and our destiny. Simply be a friend first.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


Thriving with Love Harold W. Becker - Posted February 14, 2018

Harold W. Becker 2017-12-11Each of us embodies an amazing spectrum of potentials that lay the foundation for our lives. From basic and instinctive survival perspectives, to the most intuitive and loving wisdom that brings meaning and understanding to life itself. They all encompass purpose, function and opportunities. What we are likely to experience in everyday life relates closely to where we tend to focus our attention and intention. Is it possible to expand our awareness in a way that opens up the very nature of life, awakening previously undreamed of possibilities that allow us to truly flourish?

As human beings in a physical world, we are mostly oriented to our outer corporeal expression and material pursuits. Through generations of individual and collective manifestations, suggestions, habits and routines, our life view became a narrow range of what we are actually capable of creating. Our commonly externalized attitude keeps us repeating many patterns that limit the way we interact with one another, as well as, the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms of the planet. The confines of our creative capacity reflects our own limited understanding and missing inner component of love. More importantly, the expanded aspects of our abilities to include an infinite and unconditional love in all we think, feel, and do.

Although love is an intrinsic part of our experience, we frequently marginalize it to an emotional facet of our reality by overly personifying it with our personality wishes and desires. Alternatively, we also diminish its relevance as being a weak and ineffectual trait in our interactions with others and ourselves. These conditional approaches to love keep us from tapping into our full potential. In a few instances, we come closer to realizing this powerful energy. For example, a mother's unconditional love, the bond we feel with a mate, or as a dimension and focus of our spiritual understanding.

To realize who we are and what we are capable of, it is imperative that we go within to the center of our being. This is the level of our conscious awareness where the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual attributes come together as one. It is the continuum where we have access to the heart of our reality and where the wellspring of life animates our bodies, stimulates our imagination, and sets our mind into action. This is the realm of intent: the state of awareness where all good things begin. Intention is the gateway to thriving with love.

Intention is the gateway to thriving with love.-Harold W. Becker

We often think our material gains and manifestations provide a prosperous and abundant experience, yet they pale in comparison to a life filled with the many qualities that love provides. Compassion, kindness, generosity, integrity, forgiveness, grace and hope, are just a few of the intentions we set into motion when love is the basis and beginning point of our awareness. By consciously infusing each choice of thought and feeling with loving intent, our outer experiences take on these very same qualities and provide a richness to life that exceeds our fondest expectations. Thrive on!

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)


New Beginnings with Love Harold W. Becker - Posted January 11, 2018

Harold W. Becker 2017-12-11Everything we do and seek to experience on our journey of life is a creative expression. Our core spirit can imagine potentials and find unique ways of fulfilling them. It is a beautiful, unfolding process that provides constant change and opportunity to become more than we perceive is presently possible. Nature shows us this every day in the ever-evolving environment that surrounds us. Our bodies do too. We are always growing and changing on basic levels through rhythms and cycles that cultivate our onward personal and collective evolution.

Let us consider a fundamental foundation of life that every moment is a new beginning. As each instant merges into the next, we are capable of a fresh thought and feeling and thus influence, consciously or not, the direction our life flows. This is our creative capacity and potential to realize dreams and harness the innate essence of our desired reality. The key to unlocking the fullness of life is realizing our ability to change our attitudes and perspectives each moment. This is especially more powerful when we consciously infuse the energy and intention of love with each choice.

This present moment is vital to our ongoing adventure where our mind, feelings and spirit come together in our physical body as one, and provides the only occasion to make a conscious choice that permeates our reality in all ways. If we continue to dwell in the past via our memories or get lost in the unknowns of the future, we are not present to make decisions with choice, for example. Breathing into this moment brings it all together.

Coming from an awareness of love ensures our journey will be one that is fulfilling and inspiring. Love is the great balancer and equalizer. It encourages the harmony of our inner feminine and masculine energy, our imagination and willpower (respectively), and ensures that our feelings and thoughts are n alignment with the greatest good and for the most positive benefit. Love invokes our spiritual aspect; the facet of us that is energetically and intrinsically always connected to everything.

New beginnings are always present.-Harold W. Becker

New beginnings are always present; it only requires our recognition and conscious decisions to realize this amazing gift of life. It is up to us to bring our center of awareness into this moment and keep it present. A deep breath is the quickest way to restore our attention to this now and feel the presence and magic of love that is already in and around us. From here, our creative potentials are infinite.

Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President

(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



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