Special Messages
Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.
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The Spirit of Love Harold W. Becker - Posted December 11, 2017
Forgive the Story by Harold W. Becker - Posted November 11, 2017
Breath of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted October 11, 2017
A Peaceful Heart by Harold W. Becker - Posted September 21, 2017
Forgiveness, Compassion, Love and Joy by Harold W. Becker - Posted August 22, 2017
Honoring Life by Harold W. Becker - Posted July 21, 2017
Embodying Our Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted July 7, 2017
Our Precious Planet by Harold W. Becker - Posted June 2, 2017
Beings of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted February 13, 2017
Empowering Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted January 27, 2017
The Spirit of Love Harold W. Becker - Posted December 11, 2017
Love animates the very core of our being and simultaneously permeates every aspect of our existence. This fundamental energy vibration brings meaning to life, sustains us through the most difficult challenges, and lifts us into the most profound joys. We seek it in countless ways during our everyday experiences and feel it deeply when fully connected to this primal life-force energy. We know it in the many qualities it brings to us, for example as kindness, compassion, forgiveness and inner peace. Alas, for most, it remains an elusive and externally sought expression while we silently crave its constant presence in our heart-of-hearts.
Our true connection to love has never been broken and never will be. It is an integral part of life itself and flows just as fluidly in and around our atoms and cells as it does through the rhythms of nature, the earth, and the starlit heavens above. The seeming disconnect comes from our perceptions, not from love. We are the ones that allow this separation to occur by externalizing our focus to a solely material existence and denying or ignoring the subtle realms of love that pervade every particle and moment of our reality.
As we continue to enmesh ourselves in our outer reality, we forge an imperceptible barrier to the innate knowing that comes from our conscious awareness and intuitive senses. We react to compelling outer consequences believing them to be our reality rather than incorporating love as the essential creative element of life. Over time, we come to erroneously identify with the outer forms of our experience instead of aligning ourselves to the completely integrated processes of love that formulate the basis of our reality.
Perhaps it is the intangible characteristic or inability to prove the existence of love that most confounds us. When we condition ourselves to a material reality, we tend to seek evidence and explanation for everything. Yet, if one asks to prove their love for another, for example like a parent to a child, there is no direct substantiation of love itself. Rather, it is the intangible bond and unspoken feeling that transcends any definition or explanation. We may share verbal, emotional or physical components to display and give outer evidence of our love; however, love itself is within and beyond these specific actions. This love is unconditional and is never contained or constrained by us, only shared through us by our conscious awareness and desire.
When we choose of our own volition to express universal love, we invoke this energy with intention to infuse itself into our thoughts, words, deeds and actions. We instantly imbue the very fabric of our individual and collective lives with this life-giving and sustaining vibration, transmuting and transforming anything less than love at the same time. Our world then becomes a reflection of love. This is who we really are. This is the spirit of love.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
Forgive the Story by Harold W. Becker - Posted November 11, 2017
As part of the ongoing story of humanity, each of us is an integral component of an ever-expanding kaleidoscope of expressions as we add our own unfurling story to that of the collective. Generation upon generation, the stories we participate in, share, and hand to future generations, are ultimately only a single strand of an immensely profound and extraordinary tapestry of life itself. Our participation is vital to the whole design, yet we tend to identify with our singular perspectives and individual journeys to the extent that we come to believe the immediate reality as being the only aspect of an immeasurably greater expression of life that is always present.
We are born into this world with such amazing potential. The capacity of our imagination is infinite and our innate ability to realize our dreams simply awaits our conscious decision to make them manifest. Even our intricately designed physiology supports our creative journey, unfolding our physical presence from the vast DNA blueprint contained in the very first cell to the eventual corporeal being we mature into as an adult. The natural processes are rhythmic and contain all the ingredients to make life a magical journey of grand possibilities. In the realms of pure potential, we are the authors of our adventure and write our story with each thought and feeling.
Alas, most have forgotten that we are the source and instigators of what we place into our world. For countless reasons and over endless ages, we have become a player in the individual and collective stories themselves and lost sight of our active participation and ability to create new narratives. Our incredible imagination became a responsive mechanism rather than the active and profound gift of continuously initiating new realities.
In many ways, it is easy to understand how this came to be. Although born with immense personal potential, we are also born into families, cultures, rituals, environments, shared beliefs, interconnected thoughts and perspectives, and a myriad of realities that intermingle our stories to a point where we forget our unique creative capacity that is ever-present. Thus, we begin a journey in our earliest stages where we rely upon those around us to help navigate the first years. Their stories become a part of ours, just as ours interacts and infuses into theirs.
Where wisdom and love are present, our stories grow in rich abundance and lay the foundation for us to develop and become who and what we desire. However, limitations in other's perspectives, born of personal perceived experience and of generations of combined limiting attitudes, can quickly undermine our own evolving views of reality and cause us to embrace limitation that is not truly ours. We begin to allow the stories of others to dictate ours and we become enmeshed in a journey that no longer encourages us to dream from the heart.
The fundamental opportunity before each of us is to reclaim our imagination and begin to fulfill our distinctive destiny by taking full responsibility for our personal story, knowing that we are a part of something far more expansive. We embark on our fresh story by forgiving the many stories of the past, both our own and those of the collective world around us. Only through compassion and forgiveness can we release the limitations we unwittingly bestowed upon our stories and start to see them in a universal way. Begin to write your story with unconditional love and your creative adventure will take you to the heights of possibility while adding a new spectrum of color to the fabric of life for everyone to enjoy.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
Breath of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted October 11, 2017
There is an ever-present grandness inherent in life as it breathes to a rhythm of love. From the smallest subatomic particle to galactic clusters that defy our capacity to conceive their immensity, we are all part of an incredibly rich tapestry of universal creation that is constantly in motion and always expanding and evolving. The same is true for our corporeal experience here on this planet. We are magnificent beings filled with the elements of nature that mirror this same cosmic grandeur of potential. Yet, in our unique expression, we embody self-awareness that allows us to consciously mold and evolve our experiences as part of the greater whole.
Our exquisite personal vehicle, which includes our mind, body and emotions, is an integral part of our overall human individuality. For a very long time, we have felt that our sensory experiences here on earth were the totality of our existence. We are rapidly recalling that we are actually conscious beings that are far vaster than the sum of the parts we presently perceive. Our senses are wonderful in connecting us to the materiality of our journey while being crude interpreters of the unifying aspects innate in consciousness. We use thought and feeling to manifest desires along with the physical body to immerse ourselves in experiences. Consciousness takes these characteristics and adds multi-dimensional facets like intuition, imagination, compassion, and above all, the uniting dynamic of unconditional love.
These expansive qualities have always been a part of us and now we are remembering how to invoke their precious gifts. As our interactions become global and our relationship to earth is more tangible and interactive, we are realizing that the way forward is allowing our awareness to grow beyond the limiting beliefs and attachments to materialism that no longer serve the greater good. We still use our power of thought and the energy of feeling to manifest, while simultaneously invoking our heart-felt wisdom, knowing that we are a part of something far more amazing than previously defined by our senses.
We are well into this revealing and transformative period that includes the full spectrum of remarkable possibilities, along with the often-chaotic process that is intrinsic in any form of change. As we encounter the momentum of our past choices appearing in our daily world, we can instantly summon our higher loving wisdom and choose a new, more positive direction for our creations. We can imagine solutions that incorporate the very best of our collective understanding and bring about opportunities that are sustainable and sound for countless generations.
Each breath we take is an instant confirmation of our miraculous existence. It is also our connection in this present moment to the infinite vastness of the cosmos itself. As we breathe ever more deeply, we awaken the magic of joy that beats our heart and brings a fresh sense of profound peace within. This is just the beginning of a new world consciously created with our love.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
A Peaceful Heart by Harold W. Becker - Posted September 21, 2017
At the center of our being, we are all brilliant manifestations of love. It is our core heritage and reveals itself with each heartbeat that animates us. Every breath is an innate miracle of incredible proportions and each thought and feeling illumines our imaginative potential as creative masters. As part of an infinitely grand cosmos that inspires creation itself, life is our canvas with which we consciously paint our highest hopes and dreams. This amazing journey is intimately our own and when we are aligned with our pure essence, we abound with magic and magnificence.
This internal connection reveals and sustains a peace and knowing that we are a part of all that is. Beyond the experiences of the day, our eternal spirit is forever an aspect of who we are. Joy is the hallmark of this collaboration of our inner and outer awareness of self. We are both the observer and participant of a beautiful adventure of ever-expanding possibilities and we flow our energy like a majestic river. Life expands in waves and cycles that balance the creative forces and encourages us to reach beyond that which has been.
Change is a constant expression of the inherent rhythms of life and our intrinsic design strives to embrace this. Yet, over ages of time, we have come to identify with our outer reality solely as a participant, forgetting the larger perspective and inner wisdom of the observer. This focus on our material experiences and external conditions steadily distanced us from our vital bond with our intuitive sustaining power and the natural relationship with our heart-centered guidance. It is this innermost union where peace and love abide and where we find genuine stability and wellbeing.
Our senses may be currently tuned to our physical expressions, while our capacity to infuse compassion, kindness, peace and love into every moment is always present. As we turn within and reconnect with our grandness, these energies immediately come forth and imbue our thoughts and feelings ? inspiring us, our creations and the world around us. This harmony restores our universal understanding and places us in the right perspective as a conscious creator.
We are born into this world with the capacity to explore the depths of our individual and collective potential. When we come from our heart, we tap the timeless wisdom of love right here and now. This love permeates our existence and unites us in ways nothing else can. Through love we are at peace with one another and ourselves and from this realization and fundamental foundation, we create an entirely new reality that embodies the very best of who we truly are.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
Forgiveness, Compassion, Love and Joy by Harold W. Becker - Posted August 22, 2017
We are born into this world with the precious potential to realize and remember that we are a part of creation itself. Unlike our physical counterparts in the animal, mineral and plant kingdoms, our adventure on this planet comes with the gift of self-awareness. At birth, we begin a journey that can take us to the heights of conscious expansion and realization or draw our attention to the lowest common denominator of pure bodily expression. How we perceive, understand, choose and respond to our ever-present inner guidance, while engaging and navigating the suggestions and ideas of those around us, shapes our personal experience and collective potential. Each of us has the golden key within to decide in every moment what we wish to create and how we aspire to interact with life.
After cycles upon cycles of perpetuating the belief that somehow our human corporeal nature limits who we are, we are now rapidly reawakening to the simple fact that we are indeed magnificent and limitless beings ? each and every one of us. Through our thoughts and feelings, we are capable of manifesting our heart's desires and coalescing the substance from our earthly surroundings; graciously provided to us for our sustenance and wellbeing during our momentary pilgrimage upon this globe. Given our lengthy slumber of perceived separation from ourselves, it is amazing that we stand at the threshold of such a magical inner and outer transformation.
The challenge remaining before us is to heal and release the impression that somehow we are separate from our divine heritage. This flawed premise mires us in notions of doubt and fear, and although wholly an inner perception, we tend to focus our attention and interactions solely upon outer conditions. We learn to react to the many things around us rather than being proactive in our creative capacity, choosing our attitude within any experience. In this way, we allow our expressions and experiences to often take on an imbalance towards hatred, anger, apathy, and greed, for example, while our genuine and true nature of benevolence, kindness and a loving attitude with life takes on a secondary, diminished role.
We are the ones that are conscious within our own journey and it is up to us to embrace this opportunity to transform what has been into what can be. We begin with the wisdom of forgiveness both within and without. This conscious choice to forgive allows us to accept that, no matter what has happened in the past, we have a fresh choice on how we desire to experience life in this moment. Starting within, our willingness to forgive previous memories and experiences, whether related to direct and potentially traumatic events, or merely a recognition that what others may have taught or implied from their limited perspectives, combined with our own limited awareness at the time, no longer applies to our expanding truth and understanding.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
Honoring Life by Harold W. Becker - Posted July 21, 2017
Life as we know it from our corporeal perspective is an animating principle that infuses us with the opportunity to experience the very essence of life itself. As humans on a planet teaming with life in every possible combination, both seen and unseen, known and unknown, we also have the capacity to consciously interact with the many facets of life expressed within and around us. This interaction is not unique to us, rather we possess an expanded sense of self-awareness that allows us to go beyond mere instinctual responses and purposefully interrelate with other lifeforms. The addition of this distinctive attribute provides an opportunity to experience life in an extraordinary way while also imploring us to be exceptionally aware of our personal responsibility of this incredible gift.
Over eons of time, our precious planetary home developed the precise, intricate and subtle ingredients providing the foundation for life to thrive. These characteristics are the building blocks necessary to exist and are part of an astonishingly elaborate interconnected and interdependent matrix that includes the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms along with our presence. There are also countless etheric, electro-magnetic, multi-dimensional, fractal and holographic aspects involved, for example, that add imagination, intuition, nurturing and spiritual components to this otherwise physical-oriented perception of reality.
Here in this infinitesimal point of focus on a singular planet deep in the Milky Way, surrounded by the vastness of billions of galaxies, we find ourselves. We are a part of a remarkable amalgamation of science, spirit and basic fundamental nature at its very best. We get to engage our senses, explore our imagination, experience a fantastic journey alongside other countless organisms and lifeforms exploring their own animation, and perhaps most importantly, evolve our awareness. With such an amazing adventure occurring here on earth, how is it possible to consider life anything other than spectacular?
In many ways, we are simply temporary guests of our gracious planetary host. The greatest challenge we face with our human participation and interaction is our enduring legacy during our sojourn here. Granted with a magnificent opportunity to explore life to the fullest while on this exceedingly beautiful planet, our sole responsibility in return is to be mindful of the sacredness of all other life that shares this journey with us. Our intentions and actions must be ones of honor and dignity that expand the very substance of life just as these other forms of life provide the basis for our own. This collaborative and synergistic association enhances the whole.
Life is an honor and we are here to honor life. From the center of our being, we know this as unconditional love. It is how life itself honors life. As conscious beings capable of cognizing our relationship with everything around us, it is paramount that we strive to be mindful of our impact with every word, deed and action we undertake. With open hearts and beginning with ourselves, let each step be one of kindness, consideration and compassion. In this way, we endow our creations with the greatest of honor.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
Embodying Our Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted July 7, 2017
Our true nature is that of love. Each of us intuitively understands this when we are quiet and connected to our innermost being. We sense and know that beyond our physical, earthly experience, we are a spark of loving potential innately connected with life itself. This is more than the power of our imagination at play; we are intrinsically aware of the ever-present energy of love that permeates our existence.
Outer events that we often describe as synchronicity, coincidence or luck, for example, are simply external prompts and reminders that bring our attention back to this interconnected awareness. How would life be different if we actually chose to acknowledge and consciously embody our love in every moment?
The earth is a delicate and precise arrangement of interconnected and interdependent sentient systems that when brought together, set the foundation for corporeal life. Our physical bodies, made from these same ingredients and with the added component of self-awareness, have their own subtle, interrelated structures and organization that allow us to bring our consciousness into the world of form.
It is this cognizant realization, beyond the life-giving bodily functions, that makes us unique. We possess the mental and emotional capacity of imagination and willpower through feeling and thought, which propels us past pure instinct more commonly associated to the animal kingdom. Clearly, we are far vaster than the sum of our parts.
Love is our spiritual essence combining all aspects as a whole, while infusing ever more through the dimension of intuition, benevolence, caring, and inherent kindheartedness. We are creator beings capable of such profound and simple manifestations intended to honor our existence and relationship to each other and the planet. We are here to personify and express the spirit of love itself. With this understanding at the forefront of our attention, we naturally know we are literally magnificent beings of infinite potential.
In recent years, scientists in the fields of quantum physics show us with exacting magnitude this tangible and innate connection to life and, more importantly, reveal how our personal intention influences our reality. We create what we place our attention upon and it has always been this way. Now science and spirit are coming together to remind us of our actual loving potential. This remembering of our conscious creative capacity through love, adds a new dimension to our reality as we move forward individually and collectively.
We are here to celebrate life and all of its grandeur. By fully embodying love, we infuse each creation and expression with this precious energy. With compassion and kindness, we breathe fresh life into every moment, encounter and experience, for one another and ourselves, the earth and all her kingdoms. It is time to awaken to our infinite capacity to love unconditionally knowing that every facet of life is integral to the whole of creation itself. With love as our guiding intention, we restore our awareness to its rightful understanding. Love is the key to it all.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
Our Precious Planet by Harold W. Becker - Posted June 2, 2017
This magnificent orb we presently call home is a vibrant living entity of grand proportions. It is unlike any sphere in our immediate cosmos or known awareness, and hosts countless ever-evolving lifeforms in perfect order. As humans, we are unique and privileged to participate in a corporeal experience that we call “life” during our sojourn here. Surrounded by every building block necessary to create, animate and sustain our existence and that of the planet itself, the opportunities to immerse ourselves into such a heavenly world are boundless. Our earth is truly a benevolent and miraculous life-giving creator and creation.
The animal, plant and mineral kingdoms that formulate the core components, interact, combine and recombine in a beautiful dance that ensures that each distinctive role benefits the whole. The very body we inhabit, composed from these same elements, will return and be recycled into other forms when our present journey has ended. This is the way of nature and it is part of an incredible and brilliant, sustainable approach. Through eons of evolution and from the minutest subatomic particles to the amalgamation of systems upon systems that collaborate and produce the very sustenance we rely upon, the intricacy and sheer magnitude of interconnected and interdependent wisdom is astonishing and practically unfathomable.
In the great timeline of this planet, we are a recent species to arrive and interact with the indigenous forms that make this planet so special. Our presence is precise in that our own physical makeup requires a meticulous set of parameters to exist, each of which had to evolve over innumerable ages, cycles and transformations, to become the expression that allows us to be alive and thrive here today. Despite all the ever-changing potentials, miniscule adaptations, and galactic interactions that needed to occur, here we are.
This globe ceaselessly nurtures and lovingly supports us without condition or expectation. It provides everything we require, along with affording us the unusual aspect of building and creating forms from our own imagination. We get to work with the base materials of nature and manifest beyond the original planetary designs. This is a gift of awesome potential and equally one of significant responsibility. When we consciously create in the same holistic ways of the planet, we enhance the collective experience for all life. However, when we ignore our innate connection to our generous and gracious host, we generate destruction and desecration of the intrinsic vitality of her living systems.
It is paramount at this time that we stand forth as a united humanity that willingly honors, respects, cultivates, protects and upholds the dignity and integrity of our precious planet. It is our solemn obligation to safeguard the infinite lifeforms beyond our own, guaranteeing that all the sacred building blocks within and around us, are available for endless generations of life yet to come. As stewards and caretakers of our impact and interaction, it is up to each of us to leave a legacy of purity and potential so that life may continue to evolve in limitless ways.
With every breath we take, drop of water blessing our body, and grain of sand that allows us to walk carefully upon this earth, is a living testament to the sublime reality we are incredibly fortunate to enjoy. Let us make sure we match this heritage with our heartfelt appreciation, gratitude and dedication to make this the very best world for everyone and everything.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
Beings of Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted February 13, 2017
We arrive in this world as precious beings with an inherent capacity and extraordinary potential to love unconditionally. Our intrinsic ability to think, reason, and imagine, provides the platform for our many journeys through life as we seek to discover and experience our creative possibilities firsthand. More than just primal efforts of survival as an individual or species, we embody the gift of being aware of our presence along with an intuitive understanding that we are a part of it all. We innately know we are more than this corporeal expression. At our core, we are beings of love - a universal and unconditional love that unites us with the very essence of life itself.
Our self-conscious awareness, along with our capacity to contemplate, envision and manifest from our imagination, makes us unique among the vast spectrum of life forms upon this planet. We are neither better, nor more advanced than our fellow living entities and organisms; rather as an interconnected facet, we have the added component of a conscious awareness of this connection and the love that permeates our collective existence. This distinctive ability allows us to interact and participate with one another and the earth herself in a multitude of ways. When we keep love at the forefront of our consciousness, we imbue each choice, relationship and encounter with this extraordinary quality.
Alas, born into bodies that are our vehicles to experience life, we are also instantly vulnerable to the physical nature of these same forms. Even though each miraculous breath and heartbeat becomes a part of a sustaining rhythm that animates us while we grow and mature, we simultaneously bear witness to the natural cycles of life and death that surround us. This becomes a constant reminder of the fundamentally magical and fragile nature of our human existence. At times, we may even forget or question our relationship to the world around us. Yet, as beings of love, we ultimately know that we are part of something greater and grander that is both our heritage and the legacy we leave as we immerse ourselves in life.
Being consciously aware of love allows us to maintain a broader perspective that encourages us to focus our reality in the present moment. Living in this way, we easily release any entanglement to the past, embrace the adventure that is right here and now, and allow our future to unfold in its own special way. This inspires balance and harmony in our thoughts and feelings and a freedom from limitation, worry and concern. We are free to be ourselves and share our love without constraint, condition or expectation.
Kindness, compassion and gentleness are the effortless attributes of one who is fully aligned and aware that they are expressions of love. With a full heart, we exemplify forgiveness and gratitude, joy and benevolence. Let us always remember who we really are and make a profound difference simply by being the love we came here to be.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)
Empowering Love by Harold W. Becker - Posted January 27, 2017
At our core, we are all beautiful beings of love. We have the capacity for self-awareness unlike any other corporeal life on our planet, and through our gift of imagination, we can individually and collectively inspire new realities. When we are cognizant of our connection to life, our choices consider and reflect this innate union with every facet of life, and we imbue our creations with our essence of love, naturally benefitting the whole.
Lamentably, along our journey of countless generations and for a myriad of reasons, we have steadily forgotten our intrinsic love. The more we felt disconnected from our grand and loving selves, the greater a perception of doubt pervaded our individual and collective psyche, eventually allowing the notion of fear to overtake our senses. The inaccurate bias of fear has been the dominating motivation for our view on life for far too long, and with this mistaken sense of separation from the love we are, it has influenced our choices in less than beneficial ways.
Just as the sun shines its everlasting light regardless of the momentary clouds or the darkness of night, our universal love is always present and a part of us no matter what our current limited perspective may be. We are reawakening to this potent and enlivening energy and it is infusing and permeating our veiled consciousness, inspiring us to restore and empower reality from our heart. We are rapidly remembering our connection to everything and everyone and clearly seeing the results of choices made without consideration to the whole.
Love is a unifying principle that encourages and inspires. It is compassion and kindness in action. It forgives and releases what was and allows the pure potential of what can be. Love is the cosmic connection to life itself. As we embolden ourselves with this animating power, we fully reestablish its presence in our awareness and begin a new adventure with love as our guide and constant companion.
Empowering life with love is our true adventure. Fear as a motivator is no longer viable, necessary, or useful. There is no reason to be afraid when we know love is always present and infinitely more powerful as a choice and a way of being. It begins within by realizing and embracing our magnificence and acknowledging the marvelous wonder of life. From the tiniest subatomic particle to the stars that shine light-years away, we are a part of it all. With love in our heart, we are the magic and the miracle right where we are, and as we share our love, life itself expands in ever-greater expressions of love.
Love and hugs,
Harold W. Becker
Founder and President
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)