Special Messages

Below are some special inspirational messages from our TLF Founders that we hope you find uplifting. If you would like to receive future special messages via our monthly newsletter emails, please sign up for our mailing list. Enjoy.

2012 Messages

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Bring Your Joy to the World by Harold Becker - December 19, 2012

Unconditional Gratitude by Harold Becker - November 22, 2012

Love is a Choice by Harold Becker - November 11, 2012

You Are Loved by Harold Becker - September 11, 2012

Love and Freedom by Harold Becker - August 11, 2012

Ever Expanding Love by Harold Becker - June 6, 2012


Bring Your Joy to the World by Harold Becker - December 19, 2012

This has been an amazing time for all of us. As we close out a powerful year of change, we look forward to even greater opportunities to embrace love and peace within ourselves and upon this planet.

The holidays are our reminder of the power of love that ever resides within us each moment. We celebrate and give to one another in the spirit of the season. It is the time of year we share the common theme of unconditional love and empower ourselves to go beyond our normal limitations. This particular year also marks a special cycle of rebirth on a celestial scale.

Now we find ourselves at a crossroad upon this beautiful earth. We are realizing that love desires to express itself all through the year and not be contained or limited by time, borders, or worn out structures and old ideas.

Moving from a fear-based reality into one of love does not always come easy. Forgiveness and compassion are some of the most challenging qualities to undertake and embody, especially when we are conditioned to the notion of separation, doubt and fear.

This process begins with forgiveness and compassion to our own self. Without this first step of personal acceptance, it is virtually impossible to understand and accept another. For what we have within, we give out. What we give out, we get back in full measure.

Where we have love in our heart, we are able to spread love to all those around us. When we ignore this power, we engage fear and allow it to rule our actions. The choice is always ours as to which experience we desire.

As we celebrate, let us keep our awareness that this process happens every moment of every day and is not relegated to just a few days a year or specific cosmic cycle. Open up to the goodness and you will experience goodness. See, know, and share your love and surely you will experience its grace in your life. Stay in the present moment and be filled with joy - for in this way you bring joy to the world.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Unconditional Gratitude by Harold Becker - November 22, 2012

Dear Friends,

Every moment is a precious, unique and incredible gift of life. A magnificent sunset, a cool morning breeze, the laughter of a child, the warm embrace of a friend - these are the real treasures that require nothing more than our recognition of them. When we are fully present, our love and gratitude is as natural as breathing.

This time of year tends to find us experiencing a great number of festivals, holidays, gatherings and a wide variety of traditions around the world. Many of these observances have as their focus the understanding of thankfulness and gratitude and at their core, a deep meaning of love. Gratitude and unconditional love, they go hand in hand, yet how well do we truly understand their importance and affect on our lives?

Giving thanks is universal across all cultures and is expressed in a myriad of ways depending on beliefs, rituals and social norms of the day. Some see it as reaping an abundant harvest, others as acknowledgement for the blessings of the good that has happened personally, in the family and perhaps in the community or nation. Each is a recognition that we have been taken care of in some acceptable or exceptional way. In essence, it is our formal way of taking time to recognize the beauty and bounty held in every moment and the amazing way that the whole of life is woven in a grand design to provide for our existence and joy.

The wonder of our very life depends on an amazingly intricate and complex combination of interactions that are continuously underway. From our breath and incredible functioning body to the daily encounters with nature, humanity and beyond, each moment is filled with an infinite number of facets we could single out to be grateful for. However, in our oft unbalanced outer pursuit of worldly things we forget or ignore our "precious moments" and instead ponder what is missing or how things have not gone or are going our way. Only occasionally do we stop to give thanks for a notable or obligatory reason.

Gratitude for a harvest gone well is certainly important, however if we are not aware that our body is our temple for example, and necessary to actually experience the harvest, we have missed the real moment of understanding gratitude. It all works together. And... it is easy to express our gratitude when things are going well, however what happens when the harvest falls short or we have challenges and difficulties in our personal and collective lives? If relationships, finances or health are in jeopardy, are we still grateful? How do we accept life and still be thankful when at times appearances seem to say our lives are falling apart? True gratitude, like true love, is unconditional.

Unconditional gratitude is unconditional love in action. It is our innate willingness to accept every step of our path no matter what and still maintain a sense of thankfulness. When we remain present in the moment and embrace the good with the less than good, we are coming from our heart that knows all is in order. In these moments, we notice the truly important things and allow our journey to be one of experiences without the judgment of right or wrong, good or bad. This automatically places us in a higher understanding of life that incorporates the big picture. Gratitude is actually how we remind ourselves of the real reason for being on this beautiful orb we call home; that it is ultimately about loving all life unconditionally.

As you celebrate each moment with friends and family or just in the company of yourself and a gorgeous sunrise, consider allowing unconditional gratitude to be your view on life. Let thankfulness come from the depths of your heart and watch what happens.

From my heart to yours, I wish you joy, much laughter and an abundance of love.

Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Love is a Choice by Harold Becker - November 11, 2012

In these amazing times of great change, we are faced with an overwhelming amount of choices on all levels of significance. In order to make clear decisions in line with our personal goals and highest good, it is important to maintain our inner balance and harmonious center point. That source of genuine strength, wisdom and ultimate potential is held within us every moment as unconditional love.

Bringing our conscious awareness into each "now" moment affords us the opportunity to be fully present and to realize we are whole, complete and capable of creating a more joyful life. Our personal perspective is the key and when we choose a loving perspective we create a love-filled reality.

However, as we move forward in life, one of the greatest obstacles we often face is fear. It influences our choices and decisions and usually keeps us from our natural success. In fact, it seems these days that fear has a hold on our collective reality. Don't believe it. Fear itself is not real.

Fear is nothing more than a notion, idea, concept, thought and feeling. It is ultimately an acceptance of self doubt. We give birth and life to these thoughts by empowering them with our attention. The more we focus upon suggestions and ideas of fear, the more prominent they become in our awareness.

Historically, fear has been a powerful motivator and stimulated great change. Yet it has often come at very great cost. When fearful thoughts are misunderstood and their positive influence and opportunity to rise above a situation through love is ignored, death and destruction are the result.

There is another way to experience life and that is with love. When we begin to understand that ALL life is interconnected we start to realize the true power we wield each moment. Only love expands our reality through joyful and positive solutions. Fear cannot.

Once thought to be weak and inconsequential, we now realize that love is a dynamic and transforming energy that brings balance and harmony to all it touches. It takes great courage and personal strength to choose love and allow it to expand our consciousness. We already know the consequences of allowing fear, doubt and negativity to rule our reality. What would our lives and the world be like if we gave love a chance?

The exact moment we acknowledge love is the same moment we experience love. We have the power within our thoughts and feelings to decide what type of life we desire to live. We can succumb to the tired illusion of doubt and fear, or rise above and claim a life of joy and prosperity through love. The choice to love is the greatest power we have and it remains ours each moment.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



You Are Loved by Harold Becker - September 11, 2012

Dear Friends,

I come to you today with a reflection and reminder of how special, important and loved you are. I also come with encouragement and knowing that one by one and day by day we are building a new world together based on peace and love. Despite all outer appearances to the contrary, each of us is steadily remembering how to come from our heart with unconditional love which is altering the very course of humanity.

Funny thing about appearances, they are rarely what they appear to be. Our hearts and minds are opening and we are beginning to see beyond the immediate physical reality and world of effects only. We are realizing the causal nature of our thoughts and feelings as a manifestation of a long curious journey based on separation, lack, fear and doubt. Each limited personal thought and feeling we held in the past has added to the present conditions surrounding us. This also means that for each thought and feeling we presently hold in peace and unconditional love, we are creating a new journey and future filled with these qualities.

Amidst the seeming chaos, strife, arrogance and ignorance being played out locally and globally, we are coming face to face with perhaps the greatest opportunity ever presented to choose unconditional love as our personal and collective view and to finally recognize the entire human earth family as one. Never before have so many beings resided at one time on this planet with such diverse personal and cultural beliefs, understandings, conditioning, heritage, and.... potential.

Some 20 years ago I developed a rather different and perhaps unconventional definition for unconditional love and shared it in my first book, Internal Power - Seven Doorways to Self Discovery. Seeking a practical definition, I chose to understand and evolve each of the two words "unconditional" and "love" to their core essence of meaning. Then combining them into one idea I realized a useful insight for applying this profound perspective found in this unique combination of two words. My definition simply stated - "unconditional love is an unlimited way of being".

This definition doesn't necessarily speak to the typical expected response or popular collective understanding of most cultures. Instead it reveals something more important - the individual potential that resides within each of us every moment. It merely asks that we approach each moment with clarity and right perspective and recognize the vast unlimited possibilities to choose a new way of thinking and feeling.

Such a sense of profound love comes when we first forgive and accept ourselves for all our limiting beliefs, mistakes, judgments and misunderstandings and apply the "unconditional" to us personally. We recognize our self worth, value our talents, and allow ourselves to be who we are rather than what we think others wish us to be. In turn, we naturally understand those around us and extend our helping hand without condition, judgment or expectation. We see ourselves in the reflection of another and know that everyone deserves to love and be loved without condition.

By embracing the present moment with openness we realize and know we have the solutions and answers already within us. We begin building a reality that is based on love, wisdom and power in perfect balance. For each step we take personally, we impact the world with this amazing energy of love.

Unconditional love turns hope into knowing in a collective reality that is often seen as hopeless or seemingly impossible to overcome. When you know something is possible you empower this to manifest with your very being. So know from now on that you are loved and loving and see how the world responds to your light and knowing. Watch how your peace and strength is sought out by others and how the limitless love you have to share is the love you receive in return.

You are all so amazing... thank you for your compassion, courage and vision to make this a better world for all of us.

Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Love and Freedom by Harold Becker - August 11, 2012

What we do each moment has a powerful impact on life. Each choice we make, and each we ignore, adds to the collective experience. Where we place our attention and what we contemplate becomes our reality. The power of our mind is amazing, yet nothing compares to what we can do when we come from our heart. Coming from love makes the real difference.

True freedom is found in the giving and receiving of love. It is in the unconditional acts of kindness we choose to share with others and also receive from one another. Such is the experience of love: a balance of giving and receiving from the heart. No thing compares to the beauty and expression of this dynamic energy.

We carry this potential every moment. Every step we take and thought we engage holds the potential to love. It is as simple as breathing - we merely hold the intent of love in our consciousness and love takes care of the rest. Knowing love is possible, regardless of the appearance, places the choice before us.

Kindness, forgiveness and compassion are easy when we understand the gift of love. It begins with the self. The more we accept and love ourselves, the more we understand others. When we see our limitations and can change our beliefs and perspectives, we begin to realize our reflection in others. In the same way, when we extend a helping hand, a smile, or a comforting word to another, these acts of love heal all involved.

This is not a difficult journey, yet it requires our willingness to go beyond our personal limitations and trust that love prevails. Realize today that love is possible and you begin the journey of a lifetime filled with this radiant energy. Everywhere you go and all you touch will be filled with its essence. Be love and you will surely experience the freedom of love.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



Ever Expanding Love by Harold Becker - June 6, 2012

Love is such an amazingly simple, elegant and universal expression of the very nature of life itself. It is present in every life-giving heartbeat and intrinsic in nebulas swirling with potential in far distant galaxies. It is felt in the beauty of each sunrise and in the gentle embrace of a smile. It is the sublime connection that does more than connect. It is the essence of all that we experience and in that which we have yet to imagine. Love knows no bounds and creates no conditions. It is what it is.

From a very narrow perspective, it would appear that somewhere along the way we may have forgotten (or ignored) this innate wisdom and awareness of love. Our present world is seemingly filled with an absence of love when viewed from a singular perception that we are somehow separate from love. Nothing could be further from the truth. Yet, for reasons we don't even remember, we strive to maintain this well established stance and continue to find or invent ample evidence to excuse our disconnection from that which we ultimately are.

Is such a love that permeates our very existence, truly destined to remain elusive to our individual and collective expression? Quite the contrary, love is such an essential part of our lives that it is impossible to separate ourselves from it; we only create the illusion that we do. And like fleeting dreams as we stir from a prolonged slumber, the sense of separation is rapidly departing as we are all (re)awakening to our fundamental loving spirit. One by one and around the globe we are turning within and comprehending just how magnificent each and every one of us is at the core of our being.

The more we embody this love right where we are, the greater our capacity to encourage and inspire love in those around us. This accelerates the recollection and cultivation of our universal love and restores our collective potential that has always been rooted in this same love. Individually and together we are acknowledging the reality of love and know that each perspective and experience is an opportunity to ever expand more love.

Love never left us, nor did we ever really leave love. We are the love we seek in the darkest night of our journey just as we are the reflection of love to others that encounter us in our brightest moments. Love awaits us long before we arrive and remains with us in every step we take. It asks for nothing and provides everything. This is the unconditional nature and eternal presence of love. It is who we are and through our expression of it, love continues to expand.

Love, light and peace,
Harold W. Becker
(Read or share this message from the original newsletter.)



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